D.15.12.31 derivationCheckList
Procedure from library difform.lib (see difform_lib).
- Usage:
- derivationCheckList(L); L list
- Remarks:
- The procedure checks if a given list has the right form for a derivation
and throws an error if this is not the case. In particular:
- Only degree-1 generators are allowed in L[1] - this is checked via difformIsGen
- Any degree-1 generator must occur once - this is checked via difformListCont
- Note:
- like in derivationFromList, the structure of L must follow the rules:
- L[1] is a list of all degree-1 generators: all dx_i must occur once and no other
differential forms are allowed. The order of the list is not important
- L[2] is the list of images of the dx_i: these must be polynomials
See also: