7.9.1 Free associative algebras
be a
-vector space, spanned by the symbols
A free associative algebra in
, denoted by

is also known as the tensor algebra
it is also the monoid
-algebra of the free monoid
The elements of this free monoid constitute an infinite
-basis of
where the identity element (the empty word) of the free monoid is identified with the
Yet in other words, the monomials of
are the words
of finite length in the finite alphabet {
The algebra
is an integral domain, which is not (left, right, weak or two-sided) Noetherian for
; hence, a Groebner basis of a finitely generated ideal might be infinite.
Therefore, a general computation takes place up to an explicit degree (length) bound, provided by the user.
The free associative algebra can be regarded as a graded algebra in a natural way.
Definition. An associative algebra
is called finitely presented (f.p.), if it is isomorphic to
is a two-sided ideal.
is called standard finitely presented (s.f.p.), if there exists a monomial ordering,
such that
is given via its finite Groebner basis