7.9.4 Bimodules and syzygies and lifts
be the free algebra.
A free bimodule of rank
are the generators of the free bimodule.
NOTE: these
are freely non-commutative with respect to
elements of
except constants from the ground field
The free bimodule of rank 1
surjects onto the algebra
A two-sided ideal of the algebra
can be converted to a subbimodule of
The syzygy bimodule or even module of bisyzygies
of the given finitely generated subbimodule
is the kernel of the natural homomorphism of
that is

The syzygy bimodule is in general not finitely generated.
Therefore as a bimodule, both the set of generators of the
syzygy bimodule and its Groebner basis
are computed up to a specified length bound.
Given a subbimodule
of a bimodule
, the lift(ing) process
returns a matrix, which encodes the expression of generators
in terms of generators of
like this:

where T_ij are elements from the enveloping algebra
encoded as elements of the free bimodule of rank
namely by using the non-commutative generators of the
free bimodule which we call ncgen .