C.1 Standard bases
and let be a submodule of .
Note that for r=1 this means that is an ideal in .
Denote by the submodule of generated by the leading terms
of elements of , i.e. by
is called a standard basis of
generate .
A standard basis is minimal if
A minimal standard basis is completely reduced if

- normal form:
A function
, is called a normal
form if for any and any standard basis the following
holds: if
then does not divide
for all .
The function may also be applied to any generating set of an ideal:
the result is then not uniquely defined.
is called a normal form of with
respect to  - ideal membership:
For a standard basis
of the following holds:
if and only if
. - Hilbert function:
- Let
be a homogeneous module, then the Hilbert function
of (see below)
and the Hilbert function of the leading module
coincide, i.e.,