D.15.5.10 PPolyN
Procedure from library goettsche.lib (see goettsche_lib).
- Usage:
- PPolyN(t, q, m, n); t polynomial, q, m, n integers
- Return:
- polynomial in t
- Purpose:
- computes the Poincare polynomial of the moduli space
of Kronecker modules N(q; m, n)
- Note:
- if m and n are not coprime, the result does not necessary make sense
| LIB "goettsche.lib";
ring r=0, (t), ls;
// get the Poincare polynomial of N(3; 2, 3)
print( PPolyN(t, 3, 2, 3) );
==> 1+t2+3t4+3t6+3t8+t10+t12