7.4.2 Groebner bases in G-algebras
We follow the notations, used in the SINGULAR Manual (e.g. in Standard bases).
For a -algebra , we denote by
the left submodule of a free module , generated by elements
Let be a fixed monomial well-ordering on the -algebra with the Poincar@'e-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) basis
For a given free module with the basis
, denotes also a
fixed module ordering on the set of monomials
For a set , define
to be the -vector space, spanned on the leading monomials
of elements of ,
We call the span of leading monomials of .
Let be a left -submodule.
A finite set is called a left Groebner basis of if and
only if , that is for any
there exists a
, i.e., if
, then
Remark: In general non-commutative algorithms are working with global well-orderings
only (see PLURAL, Monomial orderings and Term orderings), unless we deal with
graded commutative algebras via Graded commutative algebras (SCA).
A Groebner basis is called minimal (or reduced) if and if
for all .
Note, that any Groebner basis can be made minimal by deleting successively those
for some
For and we say that is completely reduced with
respect to if no monomial of is contained in .
Left Normal Form
A map
, is called a (left) normal form
on if for any and any left Groebner basis the following
(ii) if
then does not divide
for all ,
is called a left normal form of with
respect to (note that such a map is not unique).
As we have already mentioned in the definitions ideal and module (see
PLURAL), by NF (or reduce ) PLURAL understands a left normal form.
Note, that rightNF from nctools_lib allows to compute a right normal form.
Left ideal membership (plural)
For a left Groebner basis of the following holds:
if and only if the left normal form
For computing a left Groebner basis G of I , use std (plural).
For computing a left normal form of f with respect to G , use reduce (plural).
Right ideal membership (plural)
The right ideal membership is analogous to the left one:
for computing a right Groebner basis G of I , use rightstd (letterplace) from nctools_lib,
for computing a right normal form of f with respect to G , use rightNF from nctools_lib.
Two-sided ideal membership (plural)
Let be a two-sided ideal and be a two-sided Groebner basis of .
Then if and only if the left normal form
For computing a two-sided Groebner basis T of J , use twostd (plural),
for computing a normal form of f with respect to T , use reduce (plural).