4.27 pyobject
The pyobject is a black box data type in SINGULAR
for handling objects from the programming language python . It
needs the python support of SINGULAR to be installed.
Together with some basic operations and functions, pyobject instances
access python functionality from within SINGULAR and store
the results for re-use:
Note that this feature is automatically loaded on demand when initializing
an object of type pyobject . For accessing pyobject -related
functions before using any python object, please type
LIB("pyobject.so"); at the SINGULAR prompt.
| pyobject pystr = "Hello";
pyobject pyint = 2;
string singstr = string(pystr + " World!");
==> 'Hello World!'
pystr + pyint; // Error: not possible
==> ? pyobject error occurred
==> ? cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
==> ? error occurred in or before ./examples/pyobject.sing line 5: `pystr \
+ pyint; // Error: not possible`
pystr * pyint; // But this is allowed,
==> 'HelloHello'
pystr * 3; // as well as this;
==> 'HelloHelloHello'
python_run("def newfunc(*args): return list(args)"); // syncs contexts!
newfunc(1, 2, 3); // newfunc also knowd to SINGULAR
==> [1, 2, 3]
def pylst = python_eval("[3, 7, 1]");
proc(attrib(pylst, "sort"))(); // Access python member routines as attributes
pylst.sort(); // <- equivalent short-notation
pylst."sort"(); // <- alternative short-notation
==> [1, 3, 7]
python_import("os"); // Gets stuff from python module 'os'
name; // The identifier of the operating system
==> 'posix'