D.6.21.1 isCMcod2 presentation matrix of the ideal i, if i is CM D.6.21.2 CMtype Cohen-Macaulay type of the ideal i D.6.21.3 matrixT1 1st order deformation T1 in matrix description D.6.21.4 semiCMcod2 semiuniversal deformation of maximal minors of M D.6.21.5 discr discriminant of semiuniversal deformation D.6.21.6 qhmatrix weights if M is quasihomogeneous D.6.21.7 relweight relative matrix weight of N w.r.t. weights (W,a) D.6.21.8 posweight deformation of coker(M) of non-negative weight D.6.21.9 KSpencerKernel kernel of the Kodaira-Spencer map