D.8.4.1 laguerre_solve find all roots of univariate polynomial p D.8.4.2 solve all roots of 0-dim. ideal i using triangular sets D.8.4.3 ures_solve find all roots of 0-dimensional ideal i with resultants D.8.4.4 mp_res_mat multipolynomial resultant matrix of ideal i D.8.4.5 interpolate interpolate polynomial from evaluation points i and results j D.8.4.6 fglm_solve find roots of 0-dim. ideal using FGLM and lex_solve D.8.4.7 lex_solve find roots of reduced lexicographic standard basis D.8.4.8 simplexOut prints solution of simplex in nice format D.8.4.9 triangLf_solve find roots using triangular sys. (factorizing Lazard) D.8.4.10 triangM_solve find roots of given triangular system (Moeller) D.8.4.11 triangL_solve find roots using triangular system (Lazard) D.8.4.12 triang_solve find roots of given triangular system