Two-sided Groebner bases in free algebras and tools via Letterplace approach
Viktor Levandovskyy, viktor.levandovskyy at
Karim Abou Zeid, karim.abou.zeid at
Grischa Studzinski, grischa.studzinski at
For the theory, see chapter 'Letterplace' in the Singular Manual.
This library provides access to kernel functions and also contains legacy code (partially as
static procedures) for compatibility reasons.
Support: Joint projects LE 2697/2-1 and KR 1907/3-1 of the Priority Programme SPP 1489:
'Algorithmische und Experimentelle Methoden in Algebra, Geometrie und Zahlentheorie'
of the German DFG
and Project II.6 of the transregional collaborative research centre
SFB-TRR 195 'Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application' of the German DFG