D.5.18.1 truncate truncation of coker(phi) at d D.5.18.2 truncateFast truncation of coker(phi) at d (fast+ experimental) D.5.18.3 CM_regularity Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of coker(M) D.5.18.4 sheafCohBGG cohomology of sheaf associated to coker(M) D.5.18.5 sheafCohBGGregul cohomology of sheaf associated to coker(M) with given regularity D.5.18.6 sheafCohBGGregul_w cohomology with given module weights D.5.18.7 sheafCohBGG2 cohomology of sheaf associated to coker(M), experimental version D.5.18.8 sheafCoh cohomology of sheaf associated to coker(M) D.5.18.9 sheafCoh_w cohomology of coker(M) with given module weights D.5.18.10 dimH compute h^i(F(d)), F sheaf associated to coker(M) D.5.18.11 dimGradedPart D.5.18.12 displayCohom display intmat as Betti diagram (with zero rows)