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D.15.1 arnold_lib

Classification of isolated singularities with a nondegenerate Newton Boundary
Janko Boehm, email:
Magdaleen Marais, email:
Gerhard Pfister, email:

We classify isolated singularities at 0 which is equivalent to a nondegenerate Newton boundary of corank <=2 with respect to right- and stable equivalence. We do this by
giving a unique normal form corresponding to a normalized nondegenerate Newton boundary. We furthermore determine the normal form equation, that is a polynomial in the
given normal form family of the input polynomial. In addition we determine the Milnor number, modality, delta invariant and the number of branches of an input polynomial
that is equivalent to a germ with a nondegenerate Newton boundary in a new alternative efficient way, as well as, a regular basis of a germ with a nondegenerate
Newton boundary.

V.I. Arnold has listed normal forms for all isolated hypersurface singularities over the complex numbers with, in particular, either modality <=2 or Milnor number <=16.
Moreover, he has described an algorithmic classifier, which determines the type of a given such singularity.
This library extends Arnold's work to a large class of singularities which is unbounded with regard to modality and Milnor number. It implements an algorithmic
classifier, which determines a normal form, as well as a normal form equation, for any corank <=2 singularity which is equivalent to a germ with non-degenerate Newton
boundary in the sense of Kouchnirenko.

The implementation is based on the papers:

Janko Boehm, Magdaleen Marais, Gerhard Pfister: Classification of Complex Singularities with Non-Degenerate Newton Boundary,

Janko Boehm, Magdaleen Marais, Gerhard Pfister: Moduli Parameters of Complex Singularities with Non-Degenerate Newton Boundary,

General assumption: the input polynomial is given in a ring with ordering ds;

Acknowledgements: This research was supported by the Rubbi fund of the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Stellenbosch University, DFG SPP 1489,
DFG TRR 195 (Project B5).


D.15.1.1 poshull  determine the convex hull of a list of monomials in mon[x,y]
D.15.1.2 monomials  determine the set of monomials of a polynomial
D.15.1.3 coeff  determine the coefficient of a given monomial of a polynomial
D.15.1.4 newtonPolygon  determine the Newton polygon of the points corresponding to the monomials of a polynomial
D.15.1.5 verticesOfNP  determine the vertices of a Newton polygon
D.15.1.6 termsOnPolygon  determine the sum of the terms of a given polynomial of which the corresponding points lie on its corresponding Newton polygon
D.15.1.7 latticePoints  determine all the points that lie on a given Newton polygon
D.15.1.8 latticeToMonomials  determine the corresponding monomials of a list of points
D.15.1.9 terms  determine the terms of a given polynomial
D.15.1.10 piecewiseWeightOfPolygon  determine the piecewise weight defined by a given Newton polygon
D.15.1.11 piecewiseOrd  determine the piecewise order of a given polynomial with regard to a given piecewise weight
D.15.1.12 piecewisedegree  determine the piecewise degree of a given polynomial with regard to a given piecewise weight
D.15.1.13 piecewiseJet  determine the piecewise jet of a given polynomial of a given degree, with regard to a given piecewise weight
D.15.1.14 regularBasis  determine a regular basis for a polynomial with respect to the piecewise weight defined by its Newton polygon
D.15.1.15 determineNormalForm  determine a normal form, modality, milnor number, delta invariant, number of branches, determinacy bound and corank
of a given polynomial, if possible
D.15.1.16 normalForm  determine a normalform for F.value, if F is of type Poly, or return F.normalForm
D.15.1.17 determineExceptionalHypersurface  determine the exceptional hypersurface of the normalform stored in N.normalForm, and store the calculated hypersurface in the field N.exceptionalHypersurface
D.15.1.18 exceptionalHypersurface  return N.exceptionalHypersurface
D.15.1.19 determineNormalFormEquation  determine a normalform equation of a polynomial in the give normalform
D.15.1.20 normalFormEquation  return N.normalFormEquation
D.15.1.21 normalFormEquationUpToRescaling  N.normalFormEquationUpToRescaling, a germ which is right-equivalent to N.normalFormEquation, by the transformation x-->ax, y-->by, a,b complex numbers, such that its ring is minimal
D.15.1.22 nondegeneratePart  determine the nondegenrate part of a singularity
D.15.1.23 germWithNNB  determine a germ with a nondegenrate Newton boundary that is equivalent to a given polynomial, if possible
D.15.1.24 determineGermWithSemiNormalizedNNB  determine a germ with a normalized nondegenerate Newton boundary that is equivalent to N.phi.sourcegerm.value
D.15.1.25 germWithSemiNormalizedNNB  return a germ with a nondegenerate normalized Newton boundary, up to scalar multiplication of each of its variables,
of a given polynomial, if possibles
D.15.1.26 modalityNNB  determine the modality of the singularity defined by a polynomial,if the polynomial is right equivalent to a germ with
a nondegenerate Newton boundary
D.15.1.27 milnorNNB  determine the Milnor number of a polynomial that is equivalent to a germ with a nondegenerate Newton boundary
D.15.1.28 determinacyBound  determine an upper bound for the determinacy of a polynomial
D.15.1.29 deltaNNB  determine the Delta invariant and number of branches of a polynomial that is right equivalent to a germ
with a nondegenerate Newton boundary
D.15.1.30 moduliMonomials  give the monomials corresponding to the moduli terms in a given normal form
D.15.1.31 determineArnoldType  determine the Arnold classification of N.phi.sourcegerm and store it in the field N.ArnoldType
D.15.1.32 ArnoldType  return the Arnold type of N.phi.sourcegerm.value
D.15.1.33 newtonNumber  determine the Newton number of a polynomial in Q[x,y]
D.15.1.34 transformationsBeforeSplit  the transformations (and in some cases their inverses) that was transformed on a given polynomial to write it as a direct sum
of its degenerate and nondegenerate parts, given up to filtration d, where d is a determinacy bound for the given polynomial
D.15.1.35 transformationsAfterSplit  the transformations (and in some cases their inverses) that was transformed on the degenerate part of a given polynomial
was splitted off to transform it to a germ with nondegenerate Newton boundary (in some cases the transformations normalize the Newton boundary is also given),
is given up to filtration d, where d is a determinacy bound for the polynomial, if possible
See also: arnoldclassify_lib; classify2_lib; classify_lib; realclassify_lib.

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