My Project
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAlgExtGeneratorGenerate all elements in F_p(alpha) starting from 0
 CAlgExtInfoStruct for passing initialization parameters to naInitChar
 CAlgExtRandomFGenerate random elements in F_p(alpha)
 CbigintmatMatrices of numbers
 Cblackbox_listStruct for containing list of blackbox names and the number of them.
 CborderElemThe old basis
 CCacheClass Cache is a template-implementation of a cache with arbitrary classes for representing keys and values, respectively
 CCanonicalFormFactory's main class
 CCBasePolyEnumeratorBase polynomial enumerator for simple iteration over terms of polynomials
 CCFGeneratorVirtual class for generators
 CCFIteratorClass to iterate through CanonicalForm's
 CCFMapClass CFMap
 CCFRandomVirtual class for random element generation
 CCFSwitchesClass CFSwitches
 CcoeffsThe main handler for Singular numbers which are suitable for Singular polynomials
 Cconst_idealThe following sip_sideal structure has many different uses thoughout Singular. Basic use-cases for it are:
 CCountedRefDataThis class stores a reference counter as well as a Singular interpreter object
 CCountedRefPtrThis class implements a smart pointer which handles pointer-style access to a reference-counted structure and destructing the latter after use
 CCPolyCoeffsEnumeratorThis is a polynomial enumerator for simple iteration over coefficients of polynomials
 CCPolynomialSummatorCPolynomialSummator: unifies bucket and polynomial summation as the later is brocken in buckets :(
 CCRecursivePolyCoeffsEnumeratorGo into polynomials over an alg. extension recursively
 CDegreePatternDegreePattern provides a functionality to create, intersect and refine degree patterns
 CEvaluationClass to evaluate a polynomial at points
 CExtensionInfoExtensionInfo contains information about extension
 CFFGeneratorGenerate all elements in F_p starting from 0
 CFFRandomGenerate random elements in F_p
 CgconeImplements the cone structure
 CGFGeneratorGenerate all elements in GF starting from 0
 CGFInfoCreation data needed for finite fields
 CGFRandomGenerate random elements in GF
 Cgmp_complexGmp_complex numbers based on
 CIAccessorTemplated accessor interface for accessing individual data (for instance, of an enumerator)
 CIBaseEnumeratorBase enumerator interface for simple iteration over a generic collection
 CIEnumeratorTemplated enumerator interface for simple iteration over a generic collection of T's
 CInternalCFVirtual class for internal CanonicalForm's
 CInternalIntegerFactory's class for integers
 CInternalPolyFactory's class for polynomials
 CInternalRationalFactory's class for rationals
 CIntGeneratorGenerate integers starting from 0
 CIntMinorProcessorClass IntMinorProcessor is derived from class MinorProcessor
 CIntMinorValueClass IntMinorValue is derived from MinorValue and can be used for representing values in a cache for sub-determinantes; see class Cache
 CIntRandomGenerate random integers
 CLeftvDeepThis class wraps leftv by taking into acount memory allocation, destruction as well as deeply copying of a given leftv, i.e
 CLeftvHelperThis class implements some recurrent code sniplets to be used with leftv and idhdl.implements a refernce counter which we can use
 CLeftvShallowThs class wraps leftv by taking into acount memory allocation, destruction as well as shallowly copying of a given leftv, i.e
 CMapPairClass MapPair
 CmatElemThe idealFunctionals
 CMinorKeyClass MinorKey can be used for representing keys in a cache for sub-determinantes; see class Cache
 CMinorProcessorClass MinorProcessor implements the key methods for computing one or all sub-determinantes of a given size in a pre-defined matrix; either without caching or by using a cache
 CmodpkClass to do operations mod p^k for int's p and k
 Cnumber'SR_INT' is the type of those integers small enough to fit into 29 bits
 CPListClass PList of lists of PNodes
 CPNodeClass PNode of nodes of polynomials
 CPolyMinorProcessorClass PolyMinorProcessor is derived from class MinorProcessor
 CPolyMinorValueClass PolyMinorValue is derived from MinorValue and can be used for representing values in a cache for sub-determinantes; see class Cache
 CPythonCastDynamicThis class does conversion of Singular objects to python objects on runtime
 CPythonCastStaticThis template class does conversion of Singular objects to python objects on compile-time
 CPythonCastStatic< PythonObject::sequence_tag >Template specialization for getting handling sequence
 CPythonInterpreterThis class initializes and finalized the python interpreter
 CPythonObjectThis class defines an interface for calling PyObject from Singular
 Creduction_stepMakes on each red_object in a region a single_step
 CRefCounterThis class implements implements a refernce counter which we can use as a public base of objects managed by @CountedRefPtr
 CresMatrixBaseBase class for sparse and dense u-Resultant computation
 CREvaluationClass to generate random evaluation points
 CrootContainerComplex root finder for univariate polynomials based on laguers algorithm
 CSBucketFactorySBucket Factory
 CSchreyerSyzygyComputationComputing syzygies after Schreyer
 CSchreyerSyzygyComputationFlagsComputation attribute storage
 CsimplexLinear Programming / Linear Optimization using Simplex - Algorithm
 CsleftvClass used for (list of) interpreter objects
 CStoreFactorsClass to store factors that get removed during char set computation
 CTemplateBrief description of class Template
 CTransExtInfoStruct for passing initialization parameters to naInitChar
 CuResultantBase class for solving 0-dim poly systems using u-resultant
 CvandermondeVandermonde system solver for interpolating polynomials from their values
 CVariableFactory's class for variables