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My Project
►Namp | |
►Nap | |
►NCxxTest | |
►Ngitfan | |
►NLibThread | |
►NLinTree | |
►Nvspace | |
CAFactor | |
CAlgExtGenerator | Generate all elements in F_p(alpha) starting from 0 |
CAlgExtInfo | Struct for passing initialization parameters to naInitChar |
CAlgExtRandomF | Generate random elements in F_p(alpha) |
Carg_list | |
CArray | |
Cbigintmat | Matrices of numbers |
Cblackbox | |
Cblackbox_list | Struct for containing list of blackbox names and the number of them. |
CborderElem | The old basis |
Cbox | |
CCache | Class Cache is a template-implementation of a cache with arbitrary classes for representing keys and values, respectively |
Ccache_compare | |
CCanonicalForm | Factory's main class |
CCAntiCommutativeSpecialPairMultiplier | |
CCBasePolyEnumerator | Base polynomial enumerator for simple iteration over terms of polynomials |
CCCacheCompare | |
►CCCacheHash | |
CCCommutativeSpecialPairMultiplier | |
CCExternalSpecialPairMultiplier | |
CCFFactory | |
CCFGenerator | Virtual class for generators |
CCFGenFactory | |
CCFIterator | Class to iterate through CanonicalForm's |
CCFMap | Class CFMap |
CCFormulaPowerMultiplier | |
CCFRandom | Virtual class for random element generation |
CCFRandomFactory | |
CCFSwitches | Class CFSwitches |
CCGlobalCacheHash | |
CCGlobalMultiplier | |
CCHWeylSpecialPairMultiplier | |
CCLeadingTerm | |
CCListOld | |
Ccmdnames | |
CCMultiplier | |
CCNode | |
Ccoeffs | The main handler for Singular numbers which are suitable for Singular polynomials |
Ccoeffs | |
CCoeffsTestSuite | |
CCoefIdx | |
Ccondition_type | |
CConditionVariable | |
Cconst_ideal | The following sip_sideal structure has many different uses thoughout Singular. Basic use-cases for it are: |
Cconst_map | |
CConstTermReference | |
CconvexHull | |
CCountedRef | |
CCountedRefData | This class stores a reference counter as well as a Singular interpreter object |
CCountedRefIndirectPtr | |
CCountedRefPtr | This class implements a smart pointer which handles pointer-style access to a reference-counted structure and destructing the latter after use |
CCountedRefShared | |
CCountedRefWeakPtr | |
CCPairOld | |
CCPolyCoeffsEnumerator | This is a polynomial enumerator for simple iteration over coefficients of polynomials |
CCPolynomialSummator | CPolynomialSummator: unifies bucket and polynomial summation as the later is brocken in buckets :( |
CCPower | |
CCPowerMultiplier | |
CCQuasiCommutativeSpecialPairMultiplier | |
CCRecursivePolyCoeffsEnumerator | Go into polynomials over an alg. extension recursively |
CCReducerFinder | |
CCShiftSpecialPairMultiplier | |
CCSpecialPairCacheHash | |
CCSpecialPairMultiplier | |
CCWeylSpecialPairMultiplier | |
CDataNoroCacheNode | |
Cdatum | |
CDBM | |
CDBM_info | |
►CDegreePattern | DegreePattern provides a functionality to create, intersect and refine degree patterns |
Cdenominator_list_s | |
CDenseRow | |
CDifferentDomainException | |
Centry | |
CEvaluation | Class to evaluate a polynomial at points |
CExceptionBasedErrorHandler | |
Cexp_number_builder | |
CexponentOverflowException | |
Cext_entry | |
CExtensionInfo | ExtensionInfo contains information about extension |
Cfacet | |
CFactor | |
Cfe_option | |
CfeResourceConfig_s | |
CFFGenerator | Generate all elements in F_p starting from 0 |
CFFRandom | Generate random elements in F_p |
CfglmDdata | |
CfglmDelem | |
CfglmSdata | |
CfglmSelem | |
CfglmVector | |
CfglmVectorRep | |
Cfind_erg | |
CflintZn_struct | |
CgaussElem | |
CgaussReducer | |
Cgcone | Implements the cone structure |
Cgcp | |
Cgen_list_entry | |
Cgenerator_entry | |
CGFGenerator | Generate all elements in GF starting from 0 |
CGFInfo | Creation data needed for finite fields |
CGFRandom | Generate random elements in GF |
CGlobalPrintingFixture | |
Cgmp_complex | Gmp_complex numbers based on |
Cgmp_float | |
CgroebnerCone | |
CgroebnerCone_compare | |
CheBrowser_s | |
CheEntry_s | |
CIAccessor | Templated accessor interface for accessing individual data (for instance, of an enumerator) |
CIBaseEnumerator | Base enumerator interface for simple iteration over a generic collection |
CIdeal | |
Cideal_list | |
CIdealBase | |
CidealFunctionals | |
Cidhdl_wrap | |
Cidrec | |
CIEnumerator | Templated enumerator interface for simple iteration over a generic collection of T's |
Cindlist | |
Cint64vec | |
Cint_pair_node | |
CInternalCF | Virtual class for internal CanonicalForm's |
CInternalInteger | Factory's class for integers |
CInternalPoly | Factory's class for polynomials |
CInternalPrimePower | |
CInternalRational | Factory's class for rationals |
Cinterval | |
CIntGenerator | Generate integers starting from 0 |
CIntMinorProcessor | Class IntMinorProcessor is derived from class MinorProcessor |
CIntMinorValue | Class IntMinorValue is derived from MinorValue and can be used for representing values in a cache for sub-determinantes; see class Cache |
CIntRandom | Generate random integers |
CIntvec | |
Cintvec | |
Cip_command | |
Cip_link | |
Cip_package | |
Cip_smatrix | |
CIteratedFor | |
CjList | |
CkBucket | |
CKMatrix | |
Clattice | |
►CLeftvDeep | This class wraps leftv by taking into acount memory allocation, destruction as well as deeply copying of a given leftv , i.e |
CLeftvHelper | This class implements some recurrent code sniplets to be used with leftv and idhdl.implements a refernce counter which we can use |
CLeftvShallow | Ths class wraps leftv by taking into acount memory allocation, destruction as well as shallowly copying of a given leftv , i.e |
Clibstack | |
CLinearDependencyMatrix | |
ClinearForm | |
Clink_struct | |
CList | |
CListItem | |
CListIterator | |
CLList | |
CLNode | |
CLock | |
CLongComplexInfo | |
CLongSpec | |
CLPolyOld | |
Clt_struct | |
CLTagList | |
CLTagNode | |
Cmac_poly_r | |
Cmacoeff_s | |
Cmaideal_s | |
Cmapoly_s | |
CMapPair | Class MapPair |
CmatElem | The idealFunctionals |
CmatHeader | |
CMathicToSingStream | |
CMatrix | |
CmayanPyramidAlg | |
CMinorKey | Class MinorKey can be used for representing keys in a cache for sub-determinantes; see class Cache |
CMinorProcessor | Class MinorProcessor implements the key methods for computing one or all sub-determinantes of a given size in a pre-defined matrix; either without caching or by using a cache |
CMinorValue | |
Cmodp_result_entry | |
Cmodpk | Class to do operations mod p^k for int's p and k |
CModPMatrixBackSubstProxyOnArray | |
CModPMatrixProxyOnArray | |
CModule | |
Cmon_list_entry | |
Cmonh | |
Cmonom_poly | |
CMonRedResNP | |
Cmp_array_list | |
Cmp_permmatrix | |
CmultiCnt | |
CMyGlobalPrintingFixture | |
CNAConverter | |
Cnc_pProcs | |
Cnc_struct | |
Cnewstruct_desc | |
Cnewstruct_member | |
Cnewstruct_proc | |
CnewtonPolygon | |
CNewVectorMatrix | |
Cnf | |
CnFindCoeffByName_p | |
Cnforder | |
Cnforder_ideal | |
CNoroCache | |
CNoroCacheNode | |
CNTNumConverter | |
CNumber | |
Cnumber | 'SR_INT' is the type of those integers small enough to fit into 29 bits |
ColdGaussElem | |
ComallocClass | |
ComBin_next_t | |
ComBin_t | |
ComBinPage_t | |
ComBinPageRegion_t | |
ComErrorString_s | |
ComInfo_t | |
ComMemCell_t | |
ComOpts_t | |
ComRetInfo_t | |
ComSpecBin_t | |
ConePointP | |
Copen_pairs | |
CParseUtil | |
CpipeInfo | |
CPList | Class PList of lists of PNodes |
CPNode | Class PNode of nodes of polynomials |
CpointSet | |
CPoly | |
Cpoly | |
Cpoly_array_list | |
Cpoly_list_node | |
Cpoly_sort | |
Cpoly_tree_node | |
CPolyBase | |
CPolyImpl | |
CPolyInputIterator | |
CPolyMinorProcessor | Class PolyMinorProcessor is derived from class MinorProcessor |
CPolyMinorValue | Class PolyMinorValue is derived from MinorValue and can be used for representing values in a cache for sub-determinantes; see class Cache |
CPolySimple | |
CPolysTestSuite | |
CPowerSeriesBase | |
CPowerSeriesInputIterator | |
CPowerSeriesPolyTraits | |
CPowerSeriesVectorTraits | |
CpProcs_s | |
Cproc_object | |
Cproc_singular | |
Cprocinfo | |
Cprocinfodata | |
Cproclevel | |
CPUtilBase | |
CPUtilCF | |
CPUtilFactory | |
CPUtilInt | |
CPUtilVar | |
CPythonCastDynamic | This class does conversion of Singular objects to python objects on runtime |
CPythonCastStatic | This template class does conversion of Singular objects to python objects on compile-time |
CPythonCastStatic< PythonObject::sequence_tag > | Template specialization for getting handling sequence |
CPythonInterpreter | This class initializes and finalized the python interpreter |
►CPythonObject | This class defines an interface for calling PyObject from Singular |
CRandomGenerator | |
►CRational | |
Cred_object | |
Creduction_step | Makes on each red_object in a region a single_step |
CRefCounter | This class implements implements a refernce counter which we can use as a public base of objects managed by @CountedRefPtr |
CresMatrixBase | Base class for sparse and dense u-Resultant computation |
CresMatrixDense | |
CresMatrixSparse | |
CresVector | |
CREvaluation | Class to generate random evaluation points |
Cring | |
CRing | |
CRList | |
CRNode | |
CrootArranger | |
CrootContainer | Complex root finder for univariate polynomials based on laguers algorithm |
Crow_col_weight | |
Crow_list_entry | |
CRTagList | |
CRTagNode | |
CRuleOld | |
Cs_buff | |
CSArithBase | |
Csattr | |
CsBucket | |
CSBucketFactory | SBucket Factory |
CsBucketPoly | |
CSchreyerSyzygyComputation | Computing syzygies after Schreyer |
CSchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags | Computation attribute storage |
CsConvertTypes | |
CSemaphore | |
CsetID | |
Csi_link_extension | |
Csimple_reducer | |
CSimplestTestSuite | |
Csimplex | Linear Programming / Linear Optimization using Simplex - Algorithm |
CskStrategy | |
Csleftv | Class used for (list of) interpreter objects |
Cslimgb_alg | |
Cslists | |
CsLObject | |
Csm_nrec | |
Csm_prec | |
CSModulFunctions | |
CSObject | |
CsoptionStruct | |
Csorted_pair_node | |
Csparse_mat | |
Csparse_number_mat | |
CSparseRow | |
Cspectrum | |
CspectrumPolyList | |
CspectrumPolyNode | |
Csro_am | |
Csro_cp | |
Csro_dp | |
Csro_IS | |
Csro_ISTemp | |
Csro_ord | |
Csro_ord.data | |
Csro_syz | |
Csro_syzcomp | |
Csro_wp | |
Csro_wp64 | |
CssiInfo | |
CssyStrategy | |
CsTObject | |
CStoreFactors | Class to store factors that get removed during char set computation |
CSubexpr | |
CSubMatrix | |
CsValAssign | |
CsValAssign_sys | |
CsValCmd1 | |
CsValCmd2 | |
CsValCmd3 | |
CsValCmdM | |
CsValCmdTab | |
CTemplate | Brief description of class Template |
Cterm | |
CTermNoroDataNode | |
Ctgb_matrix | |
Ctgb_sparse_matrix | |
CTopRed | |
CTransExtInfo | Struct for passing initialization parameters to naInitChar |
CTrivialErrorHandler | |
CtropicalStrategy | |
CuResultant | Base class for solving 0-dim poly systems using u-resultant |
Cutypes | |
Cvandermonde | Vandermonde system solver for interpolating polynomials from their values |
CVariable | Factory's class for variables |
CVector | |
CVoice | |
CweightOverflowException | |
CZConeCompareDimensionFirst | |
CZnmInfo |