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bdsvd.h File Reference
#include "ap.h"
#include "amp.h"
#include "rotations.h"

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namespace  bdsvd


template<unsigned int Precision>
bool bdsvd::rmatrixbdsvd (ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &d, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > e, int n, bool isupper, bool isfractionalaccuracyrequired, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &u, int nru, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &c, int ncc, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &vt, int ncvt)
template<unsigned int Precision>
bool bdsvd::bidiagonalsvddecomposition (ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &d, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > e, int n, bool isupper, bool isfractionalaccuracyrequired, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &u, int nru, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &c, int ncc, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &vt, int ncvt)
template<unsigned int Precision>
bool bdsvd::bidiagonalsvddecompositioninternal (ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &d, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > e, int n, bool isupper, bool isfractionalaccuracyrequired, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &u, int ustart, int nru, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &c, int cstart, int ncc, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &vt, int vstart, int ncvt)
template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > bdsvd::extsignbdsqr (amp::ampf< Precision > a, amp::ampf< Precision > b)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void bdsvd::svd2x2 (amp::ampf< Precision > f, amp::ampf< Precision > g, amp::ampf< Precision > h, amp::ampf< Precision > &ssmin, amp::ampf< Precision > &ssmax)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void bdsvd::svdv2x2 (amp::ampf< Precision > f, amp::ampf< Precision > g, amp::ampf< Precision > h, amp::ampf< Precision > &ssmin, amp::ampf< Precision > &ssmax, amp::ampf< Precision > &snr, amp::ampf< Precision > &csr, amp::ampf< Precision > &snl, amp::ampf< Precision > &csl)