My Project
No Matches
Macros | Functions | Variables
checklibs.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define NUM_PROC   200
#define LINE_LEN   200
#define RECOMMENDED_LEN   100


void get_next ()
void scan_proc (int *l)
void scan_keywords (int *l)
void scan_proc_help (const char *s)
void scan_info (int *l)
int main (int argc, char **argv)


FILE * f
int trailing_spaces =0
int tabs =0
int verylong_lines =0
int lines =0
unsigned char buf [LINE_LEN]
int proc_cnt =0
unsigned char * proc [NUM_PROC]
unsigned char have_doc [NUM_PROC]
unsigned char have_example [NUM_PROC]
unsigned char proc_found [NUM_PROC]
int non_ascii =0
int non_ascii_line =0
int star_nl =0
int footer =0
int header =0
int crlf =0
int proc_help_lines =0
int proc_help_texinfo =0

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LINE_LEN   200

Definition at line 7 of file checklibs.c.


#define NUM_PROC   200

Definition at line 6 of file checklibs.c.


#define RECOMMENDED_LEN   100

Definition at line 8 of file checklibs.c.

Function Documentation

◆ get_next()

void get_next ( )

Definition at line 29 of file checklibs.c.

31 int i;
32 memset(buf,0,LINE_LEN);
33 fgets(buf,LINE_LEN,f);
34 lines++;
35 if (buf[0]!='\0')
36 {
37 int non_ascii_found=0;
38 if (strchr(buf,'\r')!=NULL) crlf++;
39 if ((buf[LINE_LEN-1]!='\0')||(strlen(buf)>RECOMMENDED_LEN))
40 {
41 if (verylong_lines==0) printf("warning: very long line (%d):\n%s\n",lines,buf);
43 }
44 if ((strstr(buf," \n")!=NULL)||(strstr(buf," \r\n")!=NULL)) trailing_spaces++;
45 if (strchr(buf,'\t')!=NULL) tabs++;
47 for(i=0;(i<LINE_LEN) && (buf[i]!='\0'); i++)
48 {
49 if (buf[i]>=127) { non_ascii_found=1;non_ascii++;non_ascii_line=lines; break; }
50 }
51 if (non_ascii_found) printf("non-ascii:>>%s<<\n",buf);
52 if (footer==0) /* we are still in the header */
53 {
54 if (strstr(buf,"@*")!=NULL) star_nl++;
55 }
56 }
int i
int trailing_spaces
Definition: checklibs.c:10
FILE * f
Definition: checklibs.c:9
#define LINE_LEN
Definition: checklibs.c:7
Definition: checklibs.c:8
int non_ascii_line
Definition: checklibs.c:21
int verylong_lines
Definition: checklibs.c:12
int non_ascii
Definition: checklibs.c:20
int lines
Definition: checklibs.c:13
unsigned char buf[LINE_LEN]
Definition: checklibs.c:14
int crlf
Definition: checklibs.c:25
int footer
Definition: checklibs.c:23
int star_nl
Definition: checklibs.c:22
int tabs
Definition: checklibs.c:11
#define NULL
Definition: omList.c:12

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 280 of file checklibs.c.

282 int have_version=0;
283 int have_category=0;
284 int have_info=0;
285 unsigned char *p;
287 memset(proc,0,NUM_PROC*sizeof(char*));
288 memset(have_doc,0,NUM_PROC);
289 memset(have_example,0,NUM_PROC);
290 memset(proc_found,0,NUM_PROC);
291 if (argc==1)
292 {
293 f=stdin;
294 }
295 else
296 {
297 if (argc!=2) { printf("usage: %s lib-file\n",argv[0]); return 1;}
298 printf("\n CHECKING LIBRARY %s\n\n",argv[1]);
299 f=fopen(argv[1],"r");
300 if(f==NULL) { printf("cannot read %s\n",argv[1]); return 2; }
301 }
303 buf[0]='\0';
304 get_next(); header++;
305 if (strncmp(buf,"//",2)!=0) { printf("error: lib must start with //\n"); }
306 else { get_next(); header++; }
307 /* pass 1: check header */
308 while(1)
309 {
310 if ((p=strstr(buf,"version="))!=NULL)
311 {
312 unsigned char *pp=buf;
313 while (pp!=p)
314 {
315 if ((*pp!=' ')&&(*pp!='\t')) break;
316 pp++;
317 }
318 if (p=pp)
319 {
320 have_version++;
321 pp=p+8;
322 while((*pp)==' ') pp++;
323 /* syntax of version string: "version <filename> <version> <date> "
324 if (*pp)!='"')
325 printf("error: version string should ....");
326 */
327 }
328 }
329 if ((p=strstr(buf,"category="))!=NULL)
330 {
331 unsigned char *pp=buf;
332 while (pp!=p)
333 {
334 if ((*pp!=' ')&&(*pp!='\t')) break;
335 pp++;
336 }
337 if (p=pp) have_category++;
338 }
339 if ((p=strstr(buf,"info="))!=NULL)
340 {
341 unsigned char *pp=buf;
342 while (pp!=p)
343 {
344 if ((*pp!=' ')&&(*pp!='\t')) break;
345 pp++;
346 }
347 if (p=pp) { have_info++; scan_info(&header); }
348 }
349 if ((p=strstr(buf,"LIB\""))!=NULL)
350 {
351 printf("error: use a space between LIB and \"\n");
352 if (p!=buf)
353 { printf("end of header ? LIB should be in col. 1:>>%s<<\n",buf); }
354 break; /* end of header */
355 }
356 if ((p=strstr(buf,"LIB \""))!=NULL)
357 {
358 if (p!=buf)
359 { printf("end of header ? LIB should be in col. 1:>>%s<<\n",buf); }
360 break; /* end of header */
361 }
362 if ((p=strstr(buf,"proc "))!=NULL)
363 {
364 if ((p!=buf)&&(strncmp(buf,"static proc ",12)!=0))
365 { printf("end of header ? proc should be in col. 1:>>%s<<\n",buf); }
366 break; /* end of header */
367 }
368 get_next(); header++;
369 if(feof(f)) break;
370 }
371 printf("header parsed: %d lines of %s\n\n",header,argv[1]);
372 /* part 2: procs */
373 while(!feof(f))
374 {
375 if ((strstr(buf,"static")==(char*)buf) && (strstr(buf,"proc")==NULL))
376 {
377 printf("error: 'static' without 'proc' found\n");
378 get_next();
379 }
380 if(((p=strstr(buf,"proc "))!=NULL)
381 &&(strncmp(buf,"static proc ",12)!=0))
382 {
383 unsigned char *pp=buf;
384 int i;
385 while(*pp==' ') pp++;
386 if ((pp!=buf)&&(pp==p))
387 {
388 printf("warning: proc should be in col. 1: line %d:%s",lines,buf);
389 }
390 else if (pp!=p)
391 {
392 footer++; get_next(); continue; /* this is not a proc start*/
393 }
394 p+=5; /* skip proc+blank*/
395 while(*p==' ') p++;
396 pp=p;
397 while(isalnum(*p)||(*p=='_')) p++;
398 *p='\0';
399 for(i=proc_cnt-1;i>=0;i--)
400 {
401 if(strcmp(proc[i],pp)==0) break;
402 }
403 if (i<0)
404 {
405 printf("hint: global proc %s not found in header\n",pp);
406 footer++; get_next();
407 }
408 else
409 {
410 proc_found[i]=1;
411 footer++; get_next(); /* doc should start at next line */
412 p=buf;
413 while(*p==' ') p++;
414 if (*p == '"') have_doc[i]=1;
415 /* scan proc help*/
417 /* serach for example */
418 while(!feof(f))
419 {
420 if(strncmp(buf,"proc ",5)==0) break;
421 if(strncmp(buf,"static proc ",12)==0) break;
422 if(strncmp(buf,"example",7)==0)
423 {
424 have_example[i]=1;
425 break;
426 }
427 footer++; get_next();
428 }
429 }
430 }
431 else {get_next();footer++;}
432 }
433 {
434 int i;
435 for(i=proc_cnt-1; i>=0;i--)
436 {
437 if(proc_found[i]==0) printf("proc %s not found\n",proc[i]);
438 else
439 {
440 if(have_doc[i]==0) printf("proc %s has no documentation\n",proc[i]);
441 if(have_example[i]==0) printf("proc %s has no example (or it does not start in col. 1)\n",proc[i]);
442 }
443 }
444 }
445 /* part 3: summary*/
446 printf("\nproc part parsed: %d lines of %s\n",footer,argv[1]);
447 if (have_version!=1) printf("version missing/duplicate (%d)\n",have_version);
448 if (have_category!=1) printf("category missing/duplicate (%d)\n",have_category);
449 if (have_info!=1) printf("info missing/duplicate (%d)\n",have_info);
451 printf("\nGENERAL SUMMARY:\n");
452 if(tabs!=0) printf("warning: lib should not contain tabs, >=%d found\n",tabs);
453 if(trailing_spaces!=0) printf("hint: lib should not contain trailing_spaces, >=%d found\n",trailing_spaces);
454 if(verylong_lines!=0) printf("hint: lib should not contain very long lines, >=%d found\n",verylong_lines);
455 if(non_ascii>0)
456 printf("error: lib should not contain non-ascii characters, %d found, last in line %d\n",non_ascii, non_ascii_line);
457 if (crlf>=lines-1)
458 {
459 printf("warning: DOS format (%d)\n",crlf);
460 }
461 else if (crlf>0)
462 {
463 printf("error: some lines are in DOS format, some not (%d/%d)\n",crlf,lines);
464 }
465 printf("%d lines parsed\n",lines);
466 printf("%d proc found in header\n",proc_cnt);
467 printf("%d lines found in proc help\n",proc_help_lines);
468 printf("%d lines found in proc help with texinfo commands (should be very small)\n",proc_help_texinfo);
469 fclose(f);
470 return 0;
CanonicalForm FACTORY_PUBLIC pp(const CanonicalForm &)
CanonicalForm pp ( const CanonicalForm & f )
int p
void scan_proc_help(const char *s)
Definition: checklibs.c:134
void scan_info(int *l)
Definition: checklibs.c:151
unsigned char proc_found[NUM_PROC]
Definition: checklibs.c:19
int proc_help_texinfo
Definition: checklibs.c:27
unsigned char have_doc[NUM_PROC]
Definition: checklibs.c:17
unsigned char have_example[NUM_PROC]
Definition: checklibs.c:18
void get_next()
Definition: checklibs.c:29
int proc_cnt
Definition: checklibs.c:15
int proc_help_lines
Definition: checklibs.c:26
#define NUM_PROC
Definition: checklibs.c:6
int header
Definition: checklibs.c:24
unsigned char * proc[NUM_PROC]
Definition: checklibs.c:16

◆ scan_info()

void scan_info ( int *  l)

Definition at line 151 of file checklibs.c.

153 int have_LIBRARY=0;
154 int have_AUTHORS=0;
155 int have_PROCEDURES=0;
156 int have_SEEALSO=0;
157 int have_KEYWORDS=0;
158 int have_OVERVIEW=0;
159 int have_NOTE=0;
160 int have_other=0;
161 int texinfo=0;
162 unsigned char *p;
164 while(!feof(f))
165 {
166 if (strstr(buf,"LIBRARY: ")!=NULL)
167 {
168 have_LIBRARY++;
169 /* musrt be first*/
170 if (have_other+have_AUTHORS+have_PROCEDURES+have_KEYWORDS+have_SEEALSO!=0)
171 printf("error: LIBRARY: must be the first section in info\n");
172 }
173 else if (strstr(buf,"NOTE:")!=NULL)
174 {
175 if (have_PROCEDURES!=0)
176 printf("error: only KEYWORDS/SEE ALSO may follow PROCEDURES\n");
177 have_NOTE++;
178 }
179 else if (strstr(buf,"OVERVIEW:")!=NULL)
180 {
181 have_OVERVIEW++;
182 if (have_PROCEDURES!=0)
183 printf("error: only KEYWORDS/SEE ALSO may follow PROCEDURES\n");
184 }
185 else if (strstr(buf,"KEYWORDS: ")!=NULL)
186 {
187 have_KEYWORDS++;
188 }
189 else if (strstr(buf,"SEE ALSO: ")!=NULL)
190 {
191 have_SEEALSO++;
192 }
193 else if ((strstr(buf,"AUTHORS: ")!=NULL)
194 ||(strstr(buf,"AUTHOR: ")!=NULL))
195 {
196 have_AUTHORS++;
197 if (have_PROCEDURES!=0)
198 printf("error: only KEYWORDS/SEE ALSO may follow PROCEDURES\n");
199 }
200 else if ((p=strstr(buf,"PROCEDURES"))!=NULL)
201 {
202 unsigned char *pp=buf;
203 while (pp!=p)
204 {
205 if ((*pp!=' ')&&(*pp!='\t')) break;
206 pp++;
207 }
208 if (p==pp)
209 {
210 have_PROCEDURES++;
211 scan_proc(l);
212 continue;
213 }
214 else
215 {
216 printf("error: unknown section in library header: %s",buf);
217 have_other++;
218 }
219 }
220 else if ((p=strstr(buf,":"))!=NULL)
221 {
222 int ch;
223 unsigned char *pp=buf;
224 while((*pp==' ')||(*pp=='\t')) pp++;
226 if ((ch>1)||(pp+ch==p))
227 {
228 /* check for other allowed sections: REFERENCES*/
229 if ((ch!=10)||(strncmp(pp,"REFERENCES",10)!=0))
230 {
231 printf("error: unknown section in library header: %s",buf);
232 have_other++;
233 }
234 if (have_PROCEDURES!=0)
235 printf("error: only KEYWORDS/SEE ALSO may follow PROCEDURES\n");
236 }
237 }
238 else if (strncmp(buf,"\";",2)==0) goto e_o_info; /* poor mans end-of-info*/
239 else
240 {
241 p=buf;
242 if (strchr(buf,'@')!=NULL)
243 { texinfo++; printf("%s",buf); }
244 }
245 get_next(); (*l)++;
246 }
247 e_o_info:
248 printf("\nSUMMARY OF THE HEADER:\n");
249 if (have_LIBRARY!=1)
250 printf("error: missing/duplicate LIBRARY (%d lines found, should be 1)\n",have_LIBRARY);
251 if (have_AUTHORS!=1)
252 printf("error: missing/duplicate AUTHOR/AUTHORS (%d lines found, should be 1)\n",have_AUTHORS);
253 if (have_PROCEDURES!=1)
254 printf("error: missing/duplicate PROCEDURES (%d lines found, should be 1)\n",have_PROCEDURES);
255 if (have_SEEALSO>1)
256 printf("error: duplicate SEE ALSO (%d lines found)\n",have_SEEALSO);
257 if (have_KEYWORDS>1)
258 printf("error: duplicate KEYWORDS (%d lines found)\n",have_KEYWORDS);
259 if (have_NOTE==1)
260 printf("hint: avoid NOTE: if not used for a library requirement\n");
261 else if (have_NOTE>1)
262 printf("error: duplicate NOTE (%d lines found)\n",have_NOTE);
263 if ((have_OVERVIEW==1)&&(proc_cnt<3))
264 printf("hint: avoid OVERVIEW: for small libraries\n");
265 else if (have_OVERVIEW>1)
266 printf("error: duplicate OVERVIEW (%d lines found)\n",have_OVERVIEW);
268 if (have_other!=0)
269 printf("error: other header entries found (illegal ?) :%d lines found, should be 0\n",have_other);
270 if ((star_nl>0)&&(star_nl*10>=header))
271 {
272 printf("warning: %d forced line breaks in %d header lines: @* should be used very rarely!\n",star_nl,header);
273 }
274 if (texinfo>0)
275 {
276 printf("warning: %d texinfo commands in %d header lines: should be used very rarely!\n",texinfo,header);
277 }
int l
void scan_proc(int *l)
Definition: checklibs.c:59

◆ scan_keywords()

void scan_keywords ( int *  l)

Definition at line 103 of file checklibs.c.

105 /* the main problem with KEYWORDS: seperator between is ;,
106 * but it MUST NOT appear at the end */
107 unsigned char *p;
108 while(!feof(f))
109 {
110 p=strrchr(buf,';'); /* the last ; in the line*/
111 if (p==NULL) { get_next(); (*l)++; return; }
112 while (*p==' ') p++;
113 if (isalpha(*p)) { get_next(); (*l)++; return; }
114 if (*p=='\0') { get_next(); (*l)++; }
115 else if (strstr(buf,"LIB ")!=NULL) break;
116 else if (strstr(buf,"LIB\"")!=NULL) break;
117 else if (strstr(buf,"proc ")!=NULL) break;
118 else if (strncmp(buf,"\";",2)==0) break; /* poor mans end-of-info*/
119 else if ((p=strstr(buf,":"))!=NULL)
120 { /* handles all capital letters + : */
121 /* SEE ALSO, KEYWORDS, NOTE, ... */
122 int ch;
123 unsigned char *pp=buf;
124 while((*pp==' ')||(*pp=='\t')) pp++;
126 if ((ch>1)||(pp+ch==p))
127 {
128 break;
129 }
130 }
131 }
132 printf("error: seperate keywords by ; but do not have ; after the last keyword\n");

◆ scan_proc()

void scan_proc ( int *  l)

Definition at line 59 of file checklibs.c.

61 unsigned char *p;
62 while(1)
63 {
64 get_next(); (*l)++;
65 if (((p=strchr(buf,'('))!=NULL)&&(isalnum(*(--p))||(*p=='_')))
66 {
67 unsigned char *s=buf;
68 while(*s==' ') s++;
69 p++; (*p)='\0';
70 if ((((int)(long)(s-buf))>10)||(strchr(s,' ')!=NULL))
71 {
72 printf("warning: probably not a proc ? (%s)\n",s);
73 }
74 else
75 {
76 if (strlen(s)<4)
77 printf("error: minimal length of a procedure name is 4: %s\n",s);
79 }
80 }
81 else if (strstr(buf,"LIB ")!=NULL) break;
82 else if (strstr(buf,"LIB\"")!=NULL) break;
83 else if (strstr(buf,"proc ")!=NULL) break;
84 else if (strncmp(buf,"\";",2)==0) break; /* poor mans end-of-info*/
85 else if ((p=strstr(buf,":"))!=NULL)
86 { /* handles all capital letters + : */
87 /* SEE ALSO, KEYWORDS, NOTE, ... */
88 int ch;
89 unsigned char *pp=buf;
90 while((*pp==' ')||(*pp=='\t')) pp++;
92 if ((ch>1)||(pp+ch==p))
93 {
94 break;
95 }
96 }
97 }
98 if (proc_cnt==0)
99 printf("warning: no proc found in the section PROCEDURES ?\n");
100 printf("\n# proc mentioned in the header: %d\n",proc_cnt);
const CanonicalForm int s
#define strdup
Definition: omAllocFunc.c:18

◆ scan_proc_help()

void scan_proc_help ( const char *  s)

Definition at line 134 of file checklibs.c.

136 while(!feof(f))
137 {
139 if (strstr(buf,"\";")!=NULL) break;
140 if (buf[0]=='{') break;
141 if (strstr(buf,"@")!=NULL)
142 {
144 buf[strlen(buf)-1]='\0';
145 strcat(buf,"<<\n");
146 printf("texinfo in proc help(%s): >>%s",s,buf);
147 }
148 get_next();
149 }

Variable Documentation

◆ buf

unsigned char buf[LINE_LEN]

Definition at line 14 of file checklibs.c.

◆ crlf

int crlf =0

Definition at line 25 of file checklibs.c.

◆ f


Definition at line 9 of file checklibs.c.

◆ footer

int footer =0

Definition at line 23 of file checklibs.c.

◆ have_doc

unsigned char have_doc[NUM_PROC]

Definition at line 17 of file checklibs.c.

◆ have_example

unsigned char have_example[NUM_PROC]

Definition at line 18 of file checklibs.c.

◆ header

int header =0

Definition at line 24 of file checklibs.c.

◆ lines

int lines =0

Definition at line 13 of file checklibs.c.

◆ non_ascii

int non_ascii =0

Definition at line 20 of file checklibs.c.

◆ non_ascii_line

int non_ascii_line =0

Definition at line 21 of file checklibs.c.

◆ proc

unsigned char* proc[NUM_PROC]

Definition at line 16 of file checklibs.c.

◆ proc_cnt

int proc_cnt =0

Definition at line 15 of file checklibs.c.

◆ proc_found

unsigned char proc_found[NUM_PROC]

Definition at line 19 of file checklibs.c.

◆ proc_help_lines

int proc_help_lines =0

Definition at line 26 of file checklibs.c.

◆ proc_help_texinfo

int proc_help_texinfo =0

Definition at line 27 of file checklibs.c.

◆ star_nl

int star_nl =0

Definition at line 22 of file checklibs.c.

◆ tabs

int tabs =0

Definition at line 11 of file checklibs.c.

◆ trailing_spaces

int trailing_spaces =0

Definition at line 10 of file checklibs.c.

◆ verylong_lines

int verylong_lines =0

Definition at line 12 of file checklibs.c.