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blas.h File Reference
#include "ap.h"
#include "amp.h"

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namespace  blas


template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > blas::vectornorm2 (const ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int i1, int i2)
template<unsigned int Precision>
int blas::vectoridxabsmax (const ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int i1, int i2)
template<unsigned int Precision>
int blas::columnidxabsmax (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int i1, int i2, int j)
template<unsigned int Precision>
int blas::rowidxabsmax (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int j1, int j2, int i)
template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > blas::upperhessenberg1norm (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &work)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::copymatrix (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int is1, int is2, int js1, int js2, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &b, int id1, int id2, int jd1, int jd2)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::inplacetranspose (ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &work)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::copyandtranspose (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int is1, int is2, int js1, int js2, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &b, int id1, int id2, int jd1, int jd2)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::matrixvectormultiply (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2, bool trans, const ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int ix1, int ix2, amp::ampf< Precision > alpha, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &y, int iy1, int iy2, amp::ampf< Precision > beta)
template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > blas::pythag2 (amp::ampf< Precision > x, amp::ampf< Precision > y)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::matrixmatrixmultiply (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int ai1, int ai2, int aj1, int aj2, bool transa, const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &b, int bi1, int bi2, int bj1, int bj2, bool transb, amp::ampf< Precision > alpha, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &c, int ci1, int ci2, int cj1, int cj2, amp::ampf< Precision > beta, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &work)