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blas Namespace Reference


template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > vectornorm2 (const ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int i1, int i2)
template<unsigned int Precision>
int vectoridxabsmax (const ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int i1, int i2)
template<unsigned int Precision>
int columnidxabsmax (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int i1, int i2, int j)
template<unsigned int Precision>
int rowidxabsmax (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int j1, int j2, int i)
template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > upperhessenberg1norm (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &work)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void copymatrix (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int is1, int is2, int js1, int js2, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &b, int id1, int id2, int jd1, int jd2)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void inplacetranspose (ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &work)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void copyandtranspose (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int is1, int is2, int js1, int js2, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &b, int id1, int id2, int jd1, int jd2)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void matrixvectormultiply (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2, bool trans, const ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &x, int ix1, int ix2, amp::ampf< Precision > alpha, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &y, int iy1, int iy2, amp::ampf< Precision > beta)
template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > pythag2 (amp::ampf< Precision > x, amp::ampf< Precision > y)
template<unsigned int Precision>
void matrixmatrixmultiply (const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &a, int ai1, int ai2, int aj1, int aj2, bool transa, const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &b, int bi1, int bi2, int bj1, int bj2, bool transb, amp::ampf< Precision > alpha, ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &c, int ci1, int ci2, int cj1, int cj2, amp::ampf< Precision > beta, ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &work)

Function Documentation

◆ columnidxabsmax()

template<unsigned int Precision>
int blas::columnidxabsmax ( const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  x,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  j 

Definition at line 206 of file blas.h.

210 {
211 int result;
212 int i;
216 result = i1;
217 a = amp::abs<Precision>(x(result,j));
218 for(i=i1+1; i<=i2; i++)
219 {
220 if( amp::abs<Precision>(x(i,j))>amp::abs<Precision>(x(result,j)) )
221 {
222 result = i;
223 }
224 }
225 return result;
226 }
int i
Variable x
Definition: amp.h:82
return result
int j

◆ copyandtranspose()

template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::copyandtranspose ( const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  a,
int  is1,
int  is2,
int  js1,
int  js2,
ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  b,
int  id1,
int  id2,
int  jd1,
int  jd2 

Definition at line 351 of file blas.h.

361 {
362 int isrc;
363 int jdst;
366 if( is1>is2 || js1>js2 )
367 {
368 return;
369 }
370 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(is2-is1==jd2-jd1);
371 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(js2-js1==id2-id1);
372 for(isrc=is1; isrc<=is2; isrc++)
373 {
374 jdst = isrc-is1+jd1;
375 ap::vmove(b.getcolumn(jdst, id1, id2), a.getrow(isrc, js1, js2));
376 }
377 }
CanonicalForm b
static void make_assertion(bool bClause)
Definition: ap.h:49
raw_vector< T > getrow(int iRow, int iColumnStart, int iColumnEnd)
Definition: ap.h:939
void vmove(raw_vector< T > vdst, const_raw_vector< T > vsrc)
Definition: ap.h:237

◆ copymatrix()

template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::copymatrix ( const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  a,
int  is1,
int  is2,
int  js1,
int  js2,
ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  b,
int  id1,
int  id2,
int  jd1,
int  jd2 

Definition at line 288 of file blas.h.

298 {
299 int isrc;
300 int idst;
303 if( is1>is2 || js1>js2 )
304 {
305 return;
306 }
307 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(is2-is1==id2-id1);
308 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(js2-js1==jd2-jd1);
309 for(isrc=is1; isrc<=is2; isrc++)
310 {
311 idst = isrc-is1+id1;
312 ap::vmove(b.getrow(idst, jd1, jd2), a.getrow(isrc, js1, js2));
313 }
314 }

◆ inplacetranspose()

template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::inplacetranspose ( ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  a,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  j1,
int  j2,
ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  work 

Definition at line 318 of file blas.h.

324 {
325 int i;
326 int j;
327 int ips;
328 int jps;
329 int l;
332 if( i1>i2 || j1>j2 )
333 {
334 return;
335 }
336 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(i1-i2==j1-j2);
337 for(i=i1; i<=i2-1; i++)
338 {
339 j = j1+i-i1;
340 ips = i+1;
341 jps = j1+ips-i1;
342 l = i2-i;
343 ap::vmove(work.getvector(1, l), a.getcolumn(j, ips, i2));
344 ap::vmove(a.getcolumn(j, ips, i2), a.getrow(i, jps, j2));
345 ap::vmove(a.getrow(i, jps, j2), work.getvector(1, l));
346 }
347 }
int l
raw_vector< T > getvector(int iStart, int iEnd)
Definition: ap.h:776
raw_vector< T > getcolumn(int iColumn, int iRowStart, int iRowEnd)
Definition: ap.h:931

◆ matrixmatrixmultiply()

template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::matrixmatrixmultiply ( const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  a,
int  ai1,
int  ai2,
int  aj1,
int  aj2,
bool  transa,
const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  b,
int  bi1,
int  bi2,
int  bj1,
int  bj2,
bool  transb,
amp::ampf< Precision >  alpha,
ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  c,
int  ci1,
int  ci2,
int  cj1,
int  cj2,
amp::ampf< Precision >  beta,
ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  work 

Definition at line 505 of file blas.h.

525 {
526 int arows;
527 int acols;
528 int brows;
529 int bcols;
530 int crows;
531 int ccols;
532 int i;
533 int j;
534 int k;
535 int l;
536 int r;
541 //
542 // Setup
543 //
544 if( !transa )
545 {
546 arows = ai2-ai1+1;
547 acols = aj2-aj1+1;
548 }
549 else
550 {
551 arows = aj2-aj1+1;
552 acols = ai2-ai1+1;
553 }
554 if( !transb )
555 {
556 brows = bi2-bi1+1;
557 bcols = bj2-bj1+1;
558 }
559 else
560 {
561 brows = bj2-bj1+1;
562 bcols = bi2-bi1+1;
563 }
564 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(acols==brows);
565 if( arows<=0 || acols<=0 || brows<=0 || bcols<=0 )
566 {
567 return;
568 }
569 crows = arows;
570 ccols = bcols;
572 //
573 // Test WORK
574 //
575 i = ap::maxint(arows, acols);
576 i = ap::maxint(brows, i);
577 i = ap::maxint(i, bcols);
578 work(1) = 0;
579 work(i) = 0;
581 //
582 // Prepare C
583 //
584 if( beta==0 )
585 {
586 for(i=ci1; i<=ci2; i++)
587 {
588 for(j=cj1; j<=cj2; j++)
589 {
590 c(i,j) = 0;
591 }
592 }
593 }
594 else
595 {
596 for(i=ci1; i<=ci2; i++)
597 {
598 ap::vmul(c.getrow(i, cj1, cj2), beta);
599 }
600 }
602 //
603 // A*B
604 //
605 if( !transa && !transb )
606 {
607 for(l=ai1; l<=ai2; l++)
608 {
609 for(r=bi1; r<=bi2; r++)
610 {
611 v = alpha*a(l,aj1+r-bi1);
612 k = ci1+l-ai1;
613 ap::vadd(c.getrow(k, cj1, cj2), b.getrow(r, bj1, bj2), v);
614 }
615 }
616 return;
617 }
619 //
620 // A*B'
621 //
622 if( !transa && transb )
623 {
624 if( arows*acols<brows*bcols )
625 {
626 for(r=bi1; r<=bi2; r++)
627 {
628 for(l=ai1; l<=ai2; l++)
629 {
630 v = ap::vdotproduct(a.getrow(l, aj1, aj2), b.getrow(r, bj1, bj2));
631 c(ci1+l-ai1,cj1+r-bi1) = c(ci1+l-ai1,cj1+r-bi1)+alpha*v;
632 }
633 }
634 return;
635 }
636 else
637 {
638 for(l=ai1; l<=ai2; l++)
639 {
640 for(r=bi1; r<=bi2; r++)
641 {
642 v = ap::vdotproduct(a.getrow(l, aj1, aj2), b.getrow(r, bj1, bj2));
643 c(ci1+l-ai1,cj1+r-bi1) = c(ci1+l-ai1,cj1+r-bi1)+alpha*v;
644 }
645 }
646 return;
647 }
648 }
650 //
651 // A'*B
652 //
653 if( transa && !transb )
654 {
655 for(l=aj1; l<=aj2; l++)
656 {
657 for(r=bi1; r<=bi2; r++)
658 {
659 v = alpha*a(ai1+r-bi1,l);
660 k = ci1+l-aj1;
661 ap::vadd(c.getrow(k, cj1, cj2), b.getrow(r, bj1, bj2), v);
662 }
663 }
664 return;
665 }
667 //
668 // A'*B'
669 //
670 if( transa && transb )
671 {
672 if( arows*acols<brows*bcols )
673 {
674 for(r=bi1; r<=bi2; r++)
675 {
676 for(i=1; i<=crows; i++)
677 {
678 work(i) = amp::ampf<Precision>("0.0");
679 }
680 for(l=ai1; l<=ai2; l++)
681 {
682 v = alpha*b(r,bj1+l-ai1);
683 k = cj1+r-bi1;
684 ap::vadd(work.getvector(1, crows), a.getrow(l, aj1, aj2), v);
685 }
686 ap::vadd(c.getcolumn(k, ci1, ci2), work.getvector(1, crows));
687 }
688 return;
689 }
690 else
691 {
692 for(l=aj1; l<=aj2; l++)
693 {
694 k = ai2-ai1+1;
695 ap::vmove(work.getvector(1, k), a.getcolumn(l, ai1, ai2));
696 for(r=bi1; r<=bi2; r++)
697 {
698 v = ap::vdotproduct(work.getvector(1, k), b.getrow(r, bj1, bj2));
699 c(ci1+l-aj1,cj1+r-bi1) = c(ci1+l-aj1,cj1+r-bi1)+alpha*v;
700 }
701 }
702 return;
703 }
704 }
705 }
int k
Variable alpha
Variable beta
const Variable & v
< [in] a sqrfree bivariate poly
Definition: facBivar.h:39
int maxint(int m1, int m2)
Definition: ap.cpp:162
T vdotproduct(const_raw_vector< T > v1, const_raw_vector< T > v2)
Definition: ap.h:181
void vadd(raw_vector< T > vdst, const_raw_vector< T > vsrc)
Definition: ap.h:413
void vmul(raw_vector< T > vdst, T2 alpha)
Definition: ap.h:603

◆ matrixvectormultiply()

template<unsigned int Precision>
void blas::matrixvectormultiply ( const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  a,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  j1,
int  j2,
bool  trans,
const ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  x,
int  ix1,
int  ix2,
amp::ampf< Precision >  alpha,
ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  y,
int  iy1,
int  iy2,
amp::ampf< Precision >  beta 

Definition at line 381 of file blas.h.

395 {
396 int i;
400 if( !trans )
401 {
403 //
404 // y := alpha*A*x + beta*y;
405 //
406 if( i1>i2 || j1>j2 )
407 {
408 return;
409 }
410 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(j2-j1==ix2-ix1);
411 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(i2-i1==iy2-iy1);
413 //
414 // beta*y
415 //
416 if( beta==0 )
417 {
418 for(i=iy1; i<=iy2; i++)
419 {
420 y(i) = 0;
421 }
422 }
423 else
424 {
425 ap::vmul(y.getvector(iy1, iy2), beta);
426 }
428 //
429 // alpha*A*x
430 //
431 for(i=i1; i<=i2; i++)
432 {
433 v = ap::vdotproduct(a.getrow(i, j1, j2), x.getvector(ix1, ix2));
434 y(iy1+i-i1) = y(iy1+i-i1)+alpha*v;
435 }
436 }
437 else
438 {
440 //
441 // y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y;
442 //
443 if( i1>i2 || j1>j2 )
444 {
445 return;
446 }
447 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(i2-i1==ix2-ix1);
448 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(j2-j1==iy2-iy1);
450 //
451 // beta*y
452 //
453 if( beta==0 )
454 {
455 for(i=iy1; i<=iy2; i++)
456 {
457 y(i) = 0;
458 }
459 }
460 else
461 {
462 ap::vmul(y.getvector(iy1, iy2), beta);
463 }
465 //
466 // alpha*A'*x
467 //
468 for(i=i1; i<=i2; i++)
469 {
470 v = alpha*x(ix1+i-i1);
471 ap::vadd(y.getvector(iy1, iy2), a.getrow(i, j1, j2), v);
472 }
473 }
474 }
const CanonicalForm int const CFList const Variable & y

◆ pythag2()

template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > blas::pythag2 ( amp::ampf< Precision >  x,
amp::ampf< Precision >  y 

Definition at line 478 of file blas.h.

480 {
488 xabs = amp::abs<Precision>(x);
489 yabs = amp::abs<Precision>(y);
490 w = amp::maximum<Precision>(xabs, yabs);
491 z = amp::minimum<Precision>(xabs, yabs);
492 if( z==0 )
493 {
494 result = w;
495 }
496 else
497 {
498 result = w*amp::sqrt<Precision>(1+amp::sqr<Precision>(z/w));
499 }
500 return result;
501 }
const CanonicalForm & w

◆ rowidxabsmax()

template<unsigned int Precision>
int blas::rowidxabsmax ( const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  x,
int  j1,
int  j2,
int  i 

Definition at line 230 of file blas.h.

234 {
235 int result;
236 int j;
240 result = j1;
241 a = amp::abs<Precision>(x(i,result));
242 for(j=j1+1; j<=j2; j++)
243 {
244 if( amp::abs<Precision>(x(i,j))>amp::abs<Precision>(x(i,result)) )
245 {
246 result = j;
247 }
248 }
249 return result;
250 }

◆ upperhessenberg1norm()

template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > blas::upperhessenberg1norm ( const ap::template_2d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  a,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  j1,
int  j2,
ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  work 

Definition at line 254 of file blas.h.

260 {
262 int i;
263 int j;
266 ap::ap_error::make_assertion(i2-i1==j2-j1);
267 for(j=j1; j<=j2; j++)
268 {
269 work(j) = 0;
270 }
271 for(i=i1; i<=i2; i++)
272 {
273 for(j=ap::maxint(j1, j1+i-i1-1); j<=j2; j++)
274 {
275 work(j) = work(j)+amp::abs<Precision>(a(i,j));
276 }
277 }
278 result = 0;
279 for(j=j1; j<=j2; j++)
280 {
281 result = amp::maximum<Precision>(result, work(j));
282 }
283 return result;
284 }

◆ vectoridxabsmax()

template<unsigned int Precision>
int blas::vectoridxabsmax ( const ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  x,
int  i1,
int  i2 

Definition at line 183 of file blas.h.

186 {
187 int result;
188 int i;
192 result = i1;
193 a = amp::abs<Precision>(x(result));
194 for(i=i1+1; i<=i2; i++)
195 {
196 if( amp::abs<Precision>(x(i))>amp::abs<Precision>(x(result)) )
197 {
198 result = i;
199 }
200 }
201 return result;
202 }

◆ vectornorm2()

template<unsigned int Precision>
amp::ampf< Precision > blas::vectornorm2 ( const ap::template_1d_array< amp::ampf< Precision > > &  x,
int  i1,
int  i2 

Definition at line 136 of file blas.h.

139 {
141 int n;
142 int ix;
148 n = i2-i1+1;
149 if( n<1 )
150 {
151 result = 0;
152 return result;
153 }
154 if( n==1 )
155 {
156 result = amp::abs<Precision>(x(i1));
157 return result;
158 }
159 scl = 0;
160 ssq = 1;
161 for(ix=i1; ix<=i2; ix++)
162 {
163 if( x(ix)!=0 )
164 {
165 absxi = amp::abs<Precision>(x(ix));
166 if( scl<absxi )
167 {
168 ssq = 1+ssq*amp::sqr<Precision>(scl/absxi);
169 scl = absxi;
170 }
171 else
172 {
173 ssq = ssq+amp::sqr<Precision>(absxi/scl);
174 }
175 }
176 }
177 result = scl*amp::sqrt<Precision>(ssq);
178 return result;
179 }