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Documentation Generator

The typesetting language in which the Singular doumentation is written is texinfo. The info string of a library included in the Singular distribution will be parsed and automatically translated to the texinfo format. The same applies to the help string of each procedure listed in the PROCEDURE: section of the info string. Based on various tools, info, dvi, ps, and html versions of the texinfo documentation are generated. To see, how your library will show in the documentation, just upload the file here.

Note that the process of building the documentation may take some time.
When building the documentation in its final form, the example of each procedure listed in the PROCEDURE: section of the info string of the library will be computed and its output will be included in the documentation.
Note that the documentation generator presented here does NOT run your examples. If you want to generate your documentation including your examples, you can download the following tool and use it on your own computer.

  1. lib2doc