Next: 9. Conclusions
Up: Observations on Coset Enumeration
Previous: 7. Simulating Todd-Coxeter with
8. TC in Monoids
Notice that procedure GENERALIZED TC SIMULATION in fact can also be applied to monoids
by giving as input a string rewriting system
where T no longer needs to contain
the inverse rules.
The question now is, what does the procedure compute in this more general setting?
Given a finite subset S of a monoid ,
we let
the submonoid generated by S.
A submonoid
of a monoid
is called finitely generated
if there exists a finite subset S of
such that
As in group theory we can define a right congruence as follows:
But, we can
no longer characterize the submonoid by a special congruence class of this right congruence
as the following example shows:
Example 5
be a string rewriting system presenting
of a monoid
the bicyclic monoid.
be the submonoid of
generated by
For the right congruence class of
we find
i.e. even
So when defining ``cosets'' of submonoids in monoids we meet the difficulty that
they no longer have such nice properties as cosets of subgroups in groups have.
In [12] Neumann gives a different structure which is as close as possible
with respect to the desired properties:
Instead of adopting the analogue of a single coset of a subgroup in a group, he looks
at the set of all cosets:
Given a right congruence on monoids, i.e. an equivalence relation that admits right
multiplication by elements of the monoid, the equivalence classes are called blocks.
If B is such a block, then the elements
such that
form a submonoid
called the fixing submonoid of B.
Different non-void fixing submonoids that arise from the blocks of a right congruence can
then be considered as conjugate.
Now starting with a submonoid
we are looking for the least right congruence that
in a block: then
will be contained in the fixing submonoid of that block7.
This is the nearest one can get to ``cosets'' of
in .
We can define the block containing ,
recursively as follows:
Of course if
is a subgroup of a group ,
Notice that when in defining Bi, if some x are used in extending Bi-1
because there are
such that
as well since we have
Reviewing the case of the bicyclic monoid in Example 5 we get
since for
we have
and hence
Procedure GENERALIZED TC SIMULATION computes the sets
On the other hand, if we look at the submonoid generated by b we get
computes the infinite sets
In order to link for some generating set S the block
to procedure
GENERALIZED TC SIMULATION, we need the algebraic structure of one-sided ideals in monoid rings.
It is easy to show that there is a one to one correspondence between the congruences generated by
sets of rules
and the congruences of (one-sided) ideals
generated by sets of binomials
(see e.g. [8]).
Using this fact, we get the following algebraic characterization of
in terms of right ideals in monoid rings.
Theorem 6
S be a subset of
a subset of
associated to
Then the following statements are equivalent for
- (1)
- (2)
Exploiting the connections between string rewriting systems
and special binomial ideal bases, it follows that on termination
the set G computed by
procedure GENERALIZED TC SIMULATION corresponds to a prefix Gröbner basis
of the right ideal
generated by the set PS in
is the monoid presented by
the string rewriting system
(see [13,8] for more details):
Corollary 7
S a subset of
and for
T let
Then the following statements are equivalent:
- (1)
- (2)
Moreover, if procedure G
IMULATION terminates on input
S and
T with output
G, then
if and only if
Next: 9. Conclusions
Up: Observations on Coset Enumeration
Previous: 7. Simulating Todd-Coxeter with
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