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6. Timings and Choice of Examples

We compare the implementation of the sequential algorithm $Seq$ with the standard algerithm $Res$, Schreyer's algorithm $Schreyer$, LaScala's algorithm $LaScala$ and the plain Groebner basis computation $Groebner$.

The timings of Singular are always greater than 0.5 sec, whence, the times smaller than that are set to be zero. The examples were computed on a Pentium III 500 MHz with 1GB RAM running under linux, kernel version 2.2.10 As some of the examles are very extensive (random cubics and quintics) we do not give a complete list of the examples. They can be downloaded (as well as Singular itself) via anonymous ftp from
There is a file test_syz.sing containing a Singular version of the tested rings and ideals. All examples are global, homogeneous and computed over the base field ${\bf F}_{32003}$.

At first we give an overview over the sequence of extension of our examples:

Example Number of generators Regularity sequence
Alex4 3 rrn
standard 3 rrr
f(11,10,3,1) 3 rrr
h(6) 3 rrr
h(7) 3 rrr
g(6,8,10,5,5;0) 3 rrr
f(19,19,4,1) 3 rrr
(max5)2 15 rnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
randomSyz1 4 rrrr
randomSyz2 5 rrrrr
cyclic roots 5 5 rrrrn
cyclic roots 5 homog 5 rrrrr
Schwarz6 6 rrrrrr
Kahn4 5 rrrrr
Iarrobino1 15 rrrnnnnnnnnnnnn
Random5,3 3 rrr
Alex1 Mora 3 rrn
Alex 6 3 rrn
katsura5 6 rrrrrr
mac1 3 rrn
mac2 3 rnn
mac3 3 rrn
cyclic roots 6 homog 6 rrrrnr
cyclic6 reordered 6 rrrrnr

Here ``r'' stands for a regular while ``n'' stands for a non-regular extension. It can be seen that especially the cyclic examples have an untypical defect compared with other: The last extension is always $I_{n-1}$-regular whereas there are non-regular extensions before. This behaviour results from the homogenization of a constant monomial with a new variable in the last generator. Therefore, it is questionable to use them for more than a computational challenge.

The table of timings looks like follows:

Example Groebner Res Schreyer LaScala Seq
Alex4 - 2.1 - - -
standard - 0.7 - - -
f(11,10,3,1) - 0.8 - - -
h(6) - 0.6 - - -
h(7) - 1.0 - - -
g(6,8,10,5,5;0) - - 0.6 - -
f(19,19,4,1) - 17.7 1.6 - -
(max5)2 - 0.5 12.5 - -
randomSyz1 - 1.1 1.0 0.6 0.8
randomSyz2 - 15.9 25.7 8.2 4.5
cyclic roots 5 - 5.2 - - -
cyclic roots 5 homog - 2000.9 0.6 - -
Schwarz6 - 0.7 1.6 - -
Kahn4 0.8 27.8 67.1 52.2 28.6
Iarrobino1 - 4.6 - 1.0 6.5
Random5,3 1.4 3.4 3.4 0.7 2.7
Alex1 Mora 0.9 18.0 16.7 - 2.2
Alex 6 1.1 25.8 9.2 0.5 2.4
katsura5 - 9.5 3.5 5.7 0.7
mac1 - 2.6 1.8 - -
mac2 7.5 58.4 86.8 - 6.9
mac3 9.2 86.1 39.8 - -
cyclic roots 6 homog - 29162.5 116.4 501.4 2.1
cyclic6 reordered - 2482.3 1344.6 103.0 10.7
As it is expected the sequential algorithm works especially well on the cyclic examples. Besides this, the algorithm seems to benefit from a great amount of computations in the higher modules of syzygies, whereas it is disadvantageously to have the Groebner basis as the major part of the computation of a free resolution. Our experience shows that the efficiency of the sequential algorithm depends mainly on the fast computation of the extending resolutions $L_i$. Therefore, it can be expected that a hybrid of the sequential algorithm and the Hilbert-driven algorithm for the extending resolution $L_i$ is the best implementation of the sequential algorithm.

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