D.2.6.17 substitute
Procedure from library poly.lib (see poly_lib).
- Usage:
- - case 1: typeof(#[1])==poly:
substitute (I,v,f[,v1,f1,v2,f2,...]); I object of basering which
can be mapped, v,v1,v2,.. ring variables, f,f1,f2,... poly
- case 2: typeof(#[1])==ideal:
substitute (I,v,f); I object of basering which can be mapped,
v ideal of ring variables, f ideal
- Return:
- object of same type as I,
- case 1: ring variable v,v1,v2,... substituted by polynomials
f,f1,f2,..., in this order
- case 2: ring variables in v substituted by polynomials in f:
v[i] is substituted by f[i], i=1,...,i=min(size(v),ncols(f))
- Note:
- this procedure extends the built-in command subst via maps
| LIB "poly.lib";
ring r = 0,(b,c,t),dp;
ideal I = -bc+4b2c2t,bc2t-5b2c;
==> _[1]=-b2-bc+2b+c-1
==> _[2]=-5b3-5b2c+15b2+10bc-15b-5c+5
ideal v = c,t,b;
ideal f = b+c,0,b-1;
==> _[1]=-b2-bc+b+c
==> _[2]=-5b3-5b2c+10b2+10bc-5b-5c