67typedef struct fractionObject * fraction;
70#define NUM(f) ((f)->numerator)
71#define DEN(f) ((f)->denominator)
74#define IS0(f) (f == NULL)
77#define DENIS1(f) (DEN(f) == NULL)
Coefficient rings, fields and other domains suitable for Singular polynomials.
number(* nMapFunc)(number a, const coeffs src, const coeffs dst)
maps "a", which lives in src, into dst
The main handler for Singular numbers which are suitable for Singular polynomials.
number ntInit(long i, const coeffs cf)
number ntDiff(number a, number d, const coeffs cf)
nMapFunc ntSetMap(const coeffs src, const coeffs dst)
Get a mapping function from src into the domain of this type (n_transExt)
poly gcd_over_Q(poly f, poly g, const ring r)
helper routine for calling singclap_gcd_r
BOOLEAN ntInitChar(coeffs cf, void *infoStruct)
Initialize the coeffs object.
int ntIsParam(number, const coeffs)
if m == var(i)/1 => return i,
struct for passing initialization parameters to naInitChar