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Go to the documentation of this file.
4#include "gfanlib/gfanlib_vector.h"
5#include "gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.h"
7#include "kernel/ideals.h" // for idElem
9#include "containsMonomial.h"
10#include "flip.h"
11#include "initial.h"
12#include "witness.h"
14#ifndef SING_NDEBUG
16#include "Singular/ipshell.h" // for isPrime(int i)
17#include "adjustWeights.h"
18#include "ppinitialReduction.h"
22/** \file
23 * implementation of the class tropicalStrategy
24 *
25 * tropicalStrategy is a class that contains information relevant for
26 * computing tropical varieties that is dependent on the valuation of the coefficient field.
27 * It represents the mutable part of an overall framework that is capable of
28 * computing tropical varieties both over coefficient fields without valuation and
29 * with valuation (currently: only p-adic valuation over rational numbers)
30 */
32typedef gfan::ZVector (*wAdjAlg1)(gfan::ZVector);
33typedef gfan::ZVector (*wAdjAlg2)(gfan::ZVector,gfan::ZVector);
34typedef bool (*redAlg)(ideal,ring,number);
39 /**
40 * polynomial ring over a field with valuation
41 */
43 /**
44 * input ideal, assumed to be a homogeneous prime ideal
45 */
47 /**
48 * the expected Dimension of the polyhedral output,
49 * i.e. the dimension of the ideal if valuation trivial
50 * or the dimension of the ideal plus one if valuation non-trivial
51 * (as the output is supposed to be intersected with a hyperplane)
52 */
54 /**
55 * the homogeneity space of the Grobner fan
56 */
57 gfan::ZCone linealitySpace;
58 /**
59 * polynomial ring over the valuation ring extended by one extra variable t
60 */
62 /**
63 * preimage of the input ideal under the map that sends t to the uniformizing parameter
64 */
66 /**
67 * uniformizing parameter in the valuation ring
68 */
70 /**
71 * polynomial ring over the residue field
72 */
75 /**
76 * true if valuation non-trivial, false otherwise
77 */
80 /**
81 * A function such that:
82 * Given weight w, returns a strictly positive weight u such that an ideal satisfying
83 * the valuation-sepcific homogeneity conditions is weighted homogeneous with respect to w
84 * if and only if it is homogeneous with respect to u
85 */
86 gfan::ZVector (*weightAdjustingAlgorithm1) (const gfan::ZVector &w);
87 /**
88 * A function such that:
89 * Given strictly positive weight w and weight v,
90 * returns a strictly positive weight u such that on an ideal that is weighted homogeneous
91 * with respect to w the weights u and v coincide
92 */
93 gfan::ZVector (*weightAdjustingAlgorithm2) (const gfan::ZVector &v, const gfan::ZVector &w);
94 /**
95 * A function that reduces the generators of an ideal I so that
96 * the inequalities and equations of the Groebner cone can be read off.
97 */
98 bool (*extraReductionAlgorithm) (ideal I, ring r, number p);
100 ring copyAndChangeCoefficientRing(const ring r) const;
101 ring copyAndChangeOrderingWP(const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w, const gfan::ZVector &v) const;
102 ring copyAndChangeOrderingLS(const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w, const gfan::ZVector &v) const;
104 /**
105 * if valuation non-trivial, checks whether the generating system contains p-t
106 * otherwise returns true
107 */
108 bool checkForUniformizingBinomial(const ideal I, const ring r) const;
110 /**
111 * if valuation non-trivial, checks whether the genearting system contains p
112 * otherwise returns true
113 */
114 bool checkForUniformizingParameter(const ideal inI, const ring r) const;
115 int findPositionOfUniformizingBinomial(const ideal I, const ring r) const;
116 void putUniformizingBinomialInFront(ideal I, const ring r, const number q) const;
120 /**
121 * Constructor for the trivial valuation case
122 */
123 tropicalStrategy(const ideal I, const ring r, const bool completelyHomogeneous=true, const bool completeSpace=true);
124 /**
125 * Constructor for the non-trivial valuation case
126 * p is the uniformizing parameter of the valuation
127 */
128 tropicalStrategy(const ideal J, const number p, const ring s);
129 /**
130 * copy constructor
131 */
132 tropicalStrategy(const tropicalStrategy& currentStrategy);
135 /**
136 * destructor
137 */
139 /**
140 * assignment operator
141 **/
142 tropicalStrategy& operator=(const tropicalStrategy& currentStrategy);
145 {
146 bool b = (uniformizingParameter==NULL);
147 return b;
148 }
150 {
151 bool b = (uniformizingParameter!=NULL);
152 return b;
153 }
155 /**
156 * returns the polynomial ring over the field with valuation
157 */
158 ring getOriginalRing() const
159 {
161 return originalRing;
162 }
164 /**
165 * returns the input ideal over the field with valuation
166 */
167 ideal getOriginalIdeal() const
168 {
170 return originalIdeal;
171 }
173 /**
174 * returns the polynomial ring over the valuation ring
175 */
176 ring getStartingRing() const
177 {
179 return startingRing;
180 }
182 /**
183 * returns the input ideal
184 */
185 ideal getStartingIdeal() const
186 {
188 return startingIdeal;
189 }
192 {
193 return rVar(startingRing);
194 }
196 /**
197 * returns the expected Dimension of the polyhedral output
198 */
200 {
201 return expectedDimension;
202 }
204 /**
205 * returns the uniformizing parameter in the valuation ring
206 */
208 {
211 }
213 ring getShortcutRing() const
214 {
216 return shortcutRing;
217 }
219 /**
220 * returns the homogeneity space of the preimage ideal
221 */
222 gfan::ZCone getHomogeneitySpace() const
223 {
224 return linealitySpace;
225 }
227 /**
228 * returns true, if v is contained in the homogeneity space; false otherwise
229 */
230 bool homogeneitySpaceContains(const gfan::ZVector &v) const
231 {
232 return linealitySpace.contains(v);
233 }
235 /**
236 * returns true, if valuation non-trivial, false otherwise
237 */
239 {
240 return onlyLowerHalfSpace;
241 }
243 /**
244 * Given weight w, returns a strictly positive weight u such that an ideal satisfying
245 * the valuation-sepcific homogeneity conditions is weighted homogeneous with respect to w
246 * if and only if it is homogeneous with respect to u
247 */
248 gfan::ZVector adjustWeightForHomogeneity(gfan::ZVector w) const
249 {
250 return this->weightAdjustingAlgorithm1(w);
251 }
253 /**
254 * Given strictly positive weight w and weight v,
255 * returns a strictly positive weight u such that on an ideal that is weighted homogeneous
256 * with respect to w the weights u and v coincide
257 */
258 gfan::ZVector adjustWeightUnderHomogeneity(gfan::ZVector v, gfan::ZVector w) const
259 {
260 return this->weightAdjustingAlgorithm2(v,w);
261 }
263 gfan::ZVector negateWeight(const gfan::ZVector &w) const
264 {
265 gfan::ZVector wNeg(w.size());
267 if (this->isValuationNonTrivial())
268 {
269 wNeg[0]=w[0];
270 for (unsigned i=1; i<w.size(); i++)
271 wNeg[i]=w[i];
272 }
273 else
274 wNeg = -w;
276 return wNeg;
277 }
279 /**
280 * If valuation trivial, returns a copy of r with a positive weight prepended,
281 * such that any ideal homogeneous with respect to w is homogeneous with respect to that weight.
282 * If valuation non-trivial, changes the coefficient ring to the residue field.
283 */
284 ring getShortcutRingPrependingWeight(const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w) const;
286 /**
287 * reduces the generators of an ideal I so that
288 * the inequalities and equations of the Groebner cone can be read off.
289 */
290 bool reduce(ideal I, const ring r) const;
292 void pReduce(ideal I, const ring r) const;
294 /**
295 * If given w, assuming w is in the Groebner cone of the ordering on r
296 * and I is a standard basis with respect to that ordering,
297 * checks whether the initial ideal of I with respect to w contains a monomial.
298 * If no w is given, assuming that I is already an initial form of some ideal,
299 * checks whether I contains a monomial.
300 * In both cases returns a monomial, if it contains one, returns NULL otherwise.
301 **/
302 std::pair<poly,int> checkInitialIdealForMonomial(const ideal I, const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w=0) const;
304 /**
305 * given generators of the initial ideal, computes its standard basis
306 */
307 ideal computeStdOfInitialIdeal(const ideal inI, const ring r) const;
309 /**
310 * suppose w a weight in maximal groebner cone of >
311 * suppose I (initially) reduced standard basis w.r.t. > and inI initial forms of its elements w.r.t. w
312 * suppose inJ elements of initial ideal that are homogeneous w.r.t w
313 * returns J elements of ideal whose initial form w.r.t. w are inI
314 * in particular, if w lies also inthe maximal groebner cone of another ordering >'
315 * and inJ is a standard basis of the initial ideal w.r.t. >'
316 * then the returned J will be a standard baiss of the ideal w.r.t. >'
317 */
318 ideal computeWitness(const ideal inJ, const ideal inI, const ideal I, const ring r) const;
320 ideal computeLift(const ideal inJs, const ring s, const ideal inIr, const ideal Ir, const ring r) const;
322 /**
323 * given an interior point of a groebner cone
324 * computes the groebner cone adjacent to it
325 */
326 std::pair<ideal,ring> computeFlip(const ideal Ir, const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &interiorPoint, const gfan::ZVector &facetNormal) const;
int i
int p
CanonicalForm b
int expectedDimension
the expected Dimension of the polyhedral output, i.e.
bool homogeneitySpaceContains(const gfan::ZVector &v) const
returns true, if v is contained in the homogeneity space; false otherwise
bool isValuationTrivial() const
ideal getOriginalIdeal() const
returns the input ideal over the field with valuation
bool isValuationNonTrivial() const
std::pair< ideal, ring > computeFlip(const ideal Ir, const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &interiorPoint, const gfan::ZVector &facetNormal) const
given an interior point of a groebner cone computes the groebner cone adjacent to it
tropicalStrategy & operator=(const tropicalStrategy &currentStrategy)
assignment operator
ring copyAndChangeOrderingLS(const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w, const gfan::ZVector &v) const
void putUniformizingBinomialInFront(ideal I, const ring r, const number q) const
gfan::ZVector adjustWeightUnderHomogeneity(gfan::ZVector v, gfan::ZVector w) const
Given strictly positive weight w and weight v, returns a strictly positive weight u such that on an i...
bool reduce(ideal I, const ring r) const
reduces the generators of an ideal I so that the inequalities and equations of the Groebner cone can ...
gfan::ZCone getHomogeneitySpace() const
returns the homogeneity space of the preimage ideal
bool onlyLowerHalfSpace
true if valuation non-trivial, false otherwise
gfan::ZCone linealitySpace
the homogeneity space of the Grobner fan
int getExpectedDimension() const
returns the expected Dimension of the polyhedral output
ring startingRing
polynomial ring over the valuation ring extended by one extra variable t
ideal originalIdeal
input ideal, assumed to be a homogeneous prime ideal
gfan::ZVector(* weightAdjustingAlgorithm1)(const gfan::ZVector &w)
A function such that: Given weight w, returns a strictly positive weight u such that an ideal satisfy...
void pReduce(ideal I, const ring r) const
int findPositionOfUniformizingBinomial(const ideal I, const ring r) const
ideal computeWitness(const ideal inJ, const ideal inI, const ideal I, const ring r) const
suppose w a weight in maximal groebner cone of > suppose I (initially) reduced standard basis w....
ring shortcutRing
polynomial ring over the residue field
bool(* extraReductionAlgorithm)(ideal I, ring r, number p)
A function that reduces the generators of an ideal I so that the inequalities and equations of the Gr...
ring getStartingRing() const
returns the polynomial ring over the valuation ring
gfan::ZVector adjustWeightForHomogeneity(gfan::ZVector w) const
Given weight w, returns a strictly positive weight u such that an ideal satisfying the valuation-sepc...
ring getShortcutRingPrependingWeight(const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w) const
If valuation trivial, returns a copy of r with a positive weight prepended, such that any ideal homog...
gfan::ZVector negateWeight(const gfan::ZVector &w) const
number uniformizingParameter
uniformizing parameter in the valuation ring
ring copyAndChangeCoefficientRing(const ring r) const
ring copyAndChangeOrderingWP(const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w, const gfan::ZVector &v) const
ideal computeLift(const ideal inJs, const ring s, const ideal inIr, const ideal Ir, const ring r) const
ideal startingIdeal
preimage of the input ideal under the map that sends t to the uniformizing parameter
bool checkForUniformizingParameter(const ideal inI, const ring r) const
if valuation non-trivial, checks whether the genearting system contains p otherwise returns true
ideal getStartingIdeal() const
returns the input ideal
bool restrictToLowerHalfSpace() const
returns true, if valuation non-trivial, false otherwise
gfan::ZVector(* weightAdjustingAlgorithm2)(const gfan::ZVector &v, const gfan::ZVector &w)
A function such that: Given strictly positive weight w and weight v, returns a strictly positive weig...
ideal computeStdOfInitialIdeal(const ideal inI, const ring r) const
given generators of the initial ideal, computes its standard basis
ring getOriginalRing() const
returns the polynomial ring over the field with valuation
number getUniformizingParameter() const
returns the uniformizing parameter in the valuation ring
std::pair< poly, int > checkInitialIdealForMonomial(const ideal I, const ring r, const gfan::ZVector &w=0) const
If given w, assuming w is in the Groebner cone of the ordering on r and I is a standard basis with re...
bool checkForUniformizingBinomial(const ideal I, const ring r) const
if valuation non-trivial, checks whether the generating system contains p-t otherwise returns true
ring getShortcutRing() const
int getExpectedAmbientDimension() const
ring originalRing
polynomial ring over a field with valuation
#define n_Test(a, r)
BOOLEAN n_Test(number a, const coeffs r)
Definition: coeffs.h:709
const CanonicalForm int s
const CanonicalForm & w
const Variable & v
< [in] a sqrfree bivariate poly
Definition: facBivar.h:39
#define NULL
Definition: omList.c:12
static short rVar(const ring r)
#define rVar(r) (r->N)
Definition: ring.h:592
#define rTest(r)
Definition: ring.h:782
#define id_Test(A, lR)
Definition: simpleideals.h:87
gfan::ZVector(* wAdjAlg2)(gfan::ZVector, gfan::ZVector)
gfan::ZVector(* wAdjAlg1)(gfan::ZVector)
bool(* redAlg)(ideal, ring, number)