My Project
No Matches
Functions File Reference
#include "config.h"
#include "cf_assert.h"
#include "cf_factory.h"
#include "cf_defs.h"
#include "canonicalform.h"
#include "cf_algorithm.h"
#include "variable.h"
#include "cf_iter.h"
#include "templates/ftmpl_functions.h"
#include "cfGcdAlgExt.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void out_cf (const char *s1, const CanonicalForm &f, const char *s2) - simple mathematical algorithms. More...
CanonicalForm psr (const CanonicalForm &rr, const CanonicalForm &vv, const Variable &x)
 CanonicalForm psr ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g, const Variable & x ) More...
CanonicalForm psq (const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g, const Variable &x)
 CanonicalForm psq ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g, const Variable & x ) More...
void psqr (const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g, CanonicalForm &q, CanonicalForm &r, const Variable &x)
 void psqr ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g, CanonicalForm & q, CanonicalForm & r, const Variable & x ) More...
static CanonicalForm internalBCommonDen (const CanonicalForm &f)
 static CanonicalForm internalBCommonDen ( const CanonicalForm & f ) More...
CanonicalForm bCommonDen (const CanonicalForm &f)
 CanonicalForm bCommonDen ( const CanonicalForm & f ) More...
bool fdivides (const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g)
 bool fdivides ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g ) More...
bool fdivides (const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g, CanonicalForm &quot)
 same as fdivides if true returns quotient quot of g by f otherwise quot == 0 More...
bool tryFdivides (const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g, const CanonicalForm &M, bool &fail)
 same as fdivides but handles zero divisors in Z_p[t]/(f)[x1,...,xn] for reducible f More...
CanonicalForm maxNorm (const CanonicalForm &f)
 CanonicalForm maxNorm ( const CanonicalForm & f ) More...
CanonicalForm euclideanNorm (const CanonicalForm &f)
 CanonicalForm euclideanNorm ( const CanonicalForm & f ) More...

Function Documentation

◆ bCommonDen()

CanonicalForm bCommonDen ( const CanonicalForm f)

CanonicalForm bCommonDen ( const CanonicalForm & f )

bCommonDen() - calculate multivariate common denominator of coefficients of ‘f’.

The common denominator is calculated with respect to all coefficients of ‘f’ which are in a base domain. In other words, common_den( ‘f’ ) * ‘f’ is guaranteed to have integer coefficients only. The common denominator of zero is one.

Returns something non-trivial iff the current domain is Q.

Type info:

f: CurrentPP

Definition at line 293 of file

295 if ( getCharacteristic() == 0 && isOn( SW_RATIONAL ) )
296 {
297 // otherwise `bgcd()' returns one
298 Off( SW_RATIONAL );
300 On( SW_RATIONAL );
301 return result;
302 }
303 else
304 return CanonicalForm( 1 );
bool isOn(int sw)
void On(int sw)
void Off(int sw)
int FACTORY_PUBLIC getCharacteristic()
static CanonicalForm internalBCommonDen(const CanonicalForm &f)
static CanonicalForm internalBCommonDen ( const CanonicalForm & f )
static const int SW_RATIONAL
set to 1 for computations over Q
Definition: cf_defs.h:31
FILE * f
Definition: checklibs.c:9
factory's main class
Definition: canonicalform.h:86
return result

◆ euclideanNorm()

CanonicalForm euclideanNorm ( const CanonicalForm f)

CanonicalForm euclideanNorm ( const CanonicalForm & f )

euclideanNorm() - return Euclidean norm of ‘f’.

Returns the largest integer smaller or equal norm(‘f’) = sqrt(sum( ‘f’[i]^2 )).

Type info:

f: UVPoly( Z )

Definition at line 565 of file

567 ASSERT( (f.inBaseDomain() || f.isUnivariate()) && f.LC().inZ(),
568 "type error: univariate poly over Z expected" );
571 for ( CFIterator i = f; i.hasTerms(); i++ ) {
572 CanonicalForm coeff = i.coeff();
573 result += coeff*coeff;
574 }
575 return sqrt( result );
int i
#define ASSERT(expression, message)
Definition: cf_assert.h:99
class to iterate through CanonicalForm's
Definition: cf_iter.h:44
gmp_float sqrt(const gmp_float &a)

◆ fdivides() [1/2]

bool fdivides ( const CanonicalForm f,
const CanonicalForm g 

bool fdivides ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )

fdivides() - check whether ‘f’ divides ‘g’.

Returns true iff ‘f’ divides ‘g’. Uses some extra heuristic to avoid polynomial division. Without the heuristic, the test essentialy looks like ‘divremt(g, f, q, r) && r.isZero()’.

Type info:

f, g: Current

Elements from prime power domains (or polynomials over such domains) are admissible if ‘f’ (or lc(‘f’), resp.) is not a zero divisor. This is a slightly stronger precondition than mathematically necessary since divisibility is a well-defined notion in arbitrary rings. Hence, we decided not to declare the weaker type ‘CurrentPP’.

Developers note:

One may consider the the test ‘fdivides( f.LC(), g.LC() )’ in the main ‘if’-test superfluous since ‘divremt()’ in the ‘if’-body repeats the test. However, ‘divremt()’ does not use any heuristic to do so.

It seems not reasonable to call ‘fdivides()’ from ‘divremt()’ to check divisibility of leading coefficients. ‘fdivides()’ is on a relatively high level compared to ‘divremt()’.

Definition at line 340 of file

342 // trivial cases
343 if ( g.isZero() )
344 return true;
345 else if ( f.isZero() )
346 return false;
348 if ( (f.inCoeffDomain() || g.inCoeffDomain())
349 && ((getCharacteristic() == 0 && isOn( SW_RATIONAL ))
350 || (getCharacteristic() > 0) ))
351 {
352 // if we are in a field all elements not equal to zero are units
353 if ( f.inCoeffDomain() )
354 return true;
355 else
356 // g.inCoeffDomain()
357 return false;
358 }
360 // we may assume now that both levels either equal LEVELBASE
361 // or are greater zero
362 int fLevel = f.level();
363 int gLevel = g.level();
364 if ( (gLevel > 0) && (fLevel == gLevel) )
365 // f and g are polynomials in the same main variable
366 if ( degree( f ) <= degree( g )
367 && fdivides( f.tailcoeff(), g.tailcoeff() )
368 && fdivides( f.LC(), g.LC() ) )
369 {
370 CanonicalForm q, r;
371 return divremt( g, f, q, r ) && r.isZero();
372 }
373 else
374 return false;
375 else if ( gLevel < fLevel )
376 // g is a coefficient w.r.t. f
377 return false;
378 else
379 {
380 // either f is a coefficient w.r.t. polynomial g or both
381 // f and g are from a base domain (should be Z or Z/p^n,
382 // then)
383 CanonicalForm q, r;
384 return divremt( g, f, q, r ) && r.isZero();
385 }
bool divremt(const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g, CanonicalForm &q, CanonicalForm &r)
int degree(const CanonicalForm &f)
bool fdivides(const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g)
bool fdivides ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g )
CF_NO_INLINE bool isZero() const

◆ fdivides() [2/2]

bool fdivides ( const CanonicalForm f,
const CanonicalForm g,
CanonicalForm quot 

same as fdivides if true returns quotient quot of g by f otherwise quot == 0

Definition at line 390 of file

392 quot= 0;
393 // trivial cases
394 if ( g.isZero() )
395 return true;
396 else if ( f.isZero() )
397 return false;
399 if ( (f.inCoeffDomain() || g.inCoeffDomain())
400 && ((getCharacteristic() == 0 && isOn( SW_RATIONAL ))
401 || (getCharacteristic() > 0) ))
402 {
403 // if we are in a field all elements not equal to zero are units
404 if ( f.inCoeffDomain() )
405 {
406 quot= g/f;
407 return true;
408 }
409 else
410 // g.inCoeffDomain()
411 return false;
412 }
414 // we may assume now that both levels either equal LEVELBASE
415 // or are greater zero
416 int fLevel = f.level();
417 int gLevel = g.level();
418 if ( (gLevel > 0) && (fLevel == gLevel) )
419 // f and g are polynomials in the same main variable
420 if ( degree( f ) <= degree( g )
421 && fdivides( f.tailcoeff(), g.tailcoeff() )
422 && fdivides( f.LC(), g.LC() ) )
423 {
424 CanonicalForm q, r;
425 if (divremt( g, f, q, r ) && r.isZero())
426 {
427 quot= q;
428 return true;
429 }
430 else
431 return false;
432 }
433 else
434 return false;
435 else if ( gLevel < fLevel )
436 // g is a coefficient w.r.t. f
437 return false;
438 else
439 {
440 // either f is a coefficient w.r.t. polynomial g or both
441 // f and g are from a base domain (should be Z or Z/p^n,
442 // then)
443 CanonicalForm q, r;
444 if (divremt( g, f, q, r ) && r.isZero())
445 {
446 quot= q;
447 return true;
448 }
449 else
450 return false;
451 }

◆ internalBCommonDen()

static CanonicalForm internalBCommonDen ( const CanonicalForm f)

static CanonicalForm internalBCommonDen ( const CanonicalForm & f )

internalBCommonDen() - recursively calculate multivariate common denominator of coefficients of ‘f’.

Used by: bCommonDen()

Type info:

f: Poly( Q ) Switches: isOff( SW_RATIONAL )

Definition at line 262 of file

264 if ( f.inBaseDomain() )
265 return f.den();
266 else {
268 for ( CFIterator i = f; i.hasTerms(); i++ )
269 result = blcm( result, internalBCommonDen( i.coeff() ) );
270 return result;
271 }
CanonicalForm blcm(const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g)

◆ maxNorm()

CanonicalForm maxNorm ( const CanonicalForm f)

CanonicalForm maxNorm ( const CanonicalForm & f )

maxNorm() - return maximum norm of ‘f’.

That is, the base coefficient of ‘f’ with the largest absolute value.

Valid for arbitrary polynomials over arbitrary domains, but most useful for multivariate polynomials over Z.

Type info:

f: CurrentPP

Definition at line 536 of file

538 if ( f.inBaseDomain() )
539 return abs( f );
540 else {
542 for ( CFIterator i = f; i.hasTerms(); i++ ) {
543 CanonicalForm coeffMaxNorm = maxNorm( i.coeff() );
544 if ( coeffMaxNorm > result )
545 result = coeffMaxNorm;
546 }
547 return result;
548 }
Rational abs(const Rational &a)
CanonicalForm maxNorm(const CanonicalForm &f)
CanonicalForm maxNorm ( const CanonicalForm & f )

◆ out_cf()

void out_cf ( const char *  s1,
const CanonicalForm f,
const char *  s2 
) - simple mathematical algorithms.

Hierarchy: mathematical algorithms on canonical forms

Developers note:

A "mathematical" algorithm is an algorithm which calculates some mathematical function in contrast to a "structural" algorithm which gives structural information on polynomials.

Compare these functions to the functions in ‘’, which are structural algorithms.

Definition at line 99 of file

101 printf("%s",s1);
102 if (f.isZero()) printf("+0");
103 //else if (! f.inCoeffDomain() )
104 else if (! f.inBaseDomain() )
105 {
106 int l = f.level();
107 for ( CFIterator i = f; i.hasTerms(); i++ )
108 {
109 int e=i.exp();
110 if (i.coeff().isOne())
111 {
112 printf("+");
113 if (e==0) printf("1");
114 else
115 {
116 printf("%c",'a'+l-1);
117 if (e!=1) printf("^%d",e);
118 }
119 }
120 else
121 {
122 out_cf("+(",i.coeff(),")");
123 if (e!=0)
124 {
125 printf("*%c",'a'+l-1);
126 if (e!=1) printf("^%d",e);
127 }
128 }
129 }
130 }
131 else
132 {
133 if ( f.isImm() )
134 {
136 {
137 long a= imm2int (f.getval());
138 if ( a == gf_q )
139 printf ("+%ld", a);
140 else if ( a == 0L )
141 printf ("+1");
142 else if ( a == 1L )
143 printf ("+%c",gf_name);
144 else
145 {
146 printf ("+%c",gf_name);
147 printf ("^%ld",a);
148 }
149 }
150 else
151 {
152 long l=f.intval();
153 if (l<0) printf("%ld",l);
154 else printf("+%ld",l);
155 }
156 }
157 else
158 {
159 #ifdef NOSTREAMIO
160 if (f.inZ())
161 {
162 mpz_t m;
164 char * str = new char[mpz_sizeinbase( m, 10 ) + 2];
165 str = mpz_get_str( str, 10, m );
166 puts(str);
167 delete[] str;
168 mpz_clear(m);
169 }
170 else if (f.inQ())
171 {
172 mpz_t m;
174 char * str = new char[mpz_sizeinbase( m, 10 ) + 2];
175 str = mpz_get_str( str, 10, m );
176 while(str[strlen(str)]<' ') { str[strlen(str)]='\0'; }
177 puts(str);putchar('/');
178 delete[] str;
179 mpz_clear(m);
181 str = new char[mpz_sizeinbase( m, 10 ) + 2];
182 str = mpz_get_str( str, 10, m );
183 while(str[strlen(str)]<' ') { str[strlen(str)]='\0'; }
184 puts(str);
185 delete[] str;
186 mpz_clear(m);
187 }
188 #else
189 std::cout << f;
190 #endif
191 }
192 //if (f.inZ()) printf("(Z)");
193 //else if (f.inQ()) printf("(Q)");
194 //else if (f.inFF()) printf("(FF)");
195 //else if (f.inPP()) printf("(PP)");
196 //else if (f.inGF()) printf("(PP)");
197 //else
198 if (f.inExtension()) printf("E(%d)",f.level());
199 }
200 printf("%s",s2);
int l
int m
#define GaloisFieldDomain
Definition: cf_defs.h:18
void out_cf(const char *s1, const CanonicalForm &f, const char *s2) - simple mathematical algorithms.
static int gettype()
Definition: cf_factory.h:28
VAR int gf_q
VAR char gf_name
static long imm2int(const InternalCF *const imm)
Definition: imm.h:70
char * str(leftv arg)
void gmp_denominator(const CanonicalForm &f, mpz_ptr result)
void gmp_numerator(const CanonicalForm &f, mpz_ptr result)

◆ psq()

CanonicalForm psq ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g, const Variable & x )

psq() - return pseudo quotient of ‘f’ and ‘g’ with respect to ‘x’.

‘g’ must not equal zero.

Type info:

f, g: Current x: Polynomial

Developers note:

This is not an optimal implementation. Better would have been an implementation in ‘InternalPoly’ avoiding the exponentiation of the leading coefficient of ‘g’. It seemed not worth to do so.

See also
psr(), psqr()

Definition at line 172 of file

174 ASSERT( x.level() > 0, "type error: polynomial variable expected" );
175 ASSERT( ! g.isZero(), "math error: division by zero" );
177 // swap variables such that x's level is larger or equal
178 // than both f's and g's levels.
179 Variable X = tmax( tmax( f.mvar(), g.mvar() ), x );
180 CanonicalForm F = swapvar( f, x, X );
181 CanonicalForm G = swapvar( g, x, X );
183 // now, we have to calculate the pseudo remainder of F and G
184 // w.r.t. X
185 int fDegree = degree( F, X );
186 int gDegree = degree( G, X );
187 if ( fDegree < 0 || fDegree < gDegree )
188 return 0;
189 else {
190 CanonicalForm result = (power( LC( G, X ), fDegree-gDegree+1 ) * F) / G;
191 return swapvar( result, x, X );
192 }
CanonicalForm power(const CanonicalForm &f, int n)
CanonicalForm FACTORY_PUBLIC swapvar(const CanonicalForm &, const Variable &, const Variable &)
swapvar() - swap variables x1 and x2 in f.
CanonicalForm LC(const CanonicalForm &f)
Variable x
factory's class for variables
Definition: variable.h:33
int level() const
Definition: variable.h:49
template CanonicalForm tmax(const CanonicalForm &, const CanonicalForm &)

◆ psqr()

void psqr ( const CanonicalForm f,
const CanonicalForm g,
CanonicalForm q,
CanonicalForm r,
const Variable x 

void psqr ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g, CanonicalForm & q, CanonicalForm & r, const Variable & x )

psqr() - calculate pseudo quotient and remainder of ‘f’ and ‘g’ with respect to ‘x’.

Returns the pseudo quotient of ‘f’ and ‘g’ in ‘q’, the pseudo remainder in ‘r’. ‘g’ must not equal zero.

See ‘psr()’ for more detailed information.

Type info:

f, g: Current q, r: Anything x: Polynomial

Developers note:

This is not an optimal implementation. Better would have been an implementation in ‘InternalPoly’ avoiding the exponentiation of the leading coefficient of ‘g’. It seemed not worth to do so.

See also
psr(), psq()

Definition at line 223 of file

225 ASSERT( x.level() > 0, "type error: polynomial variable expected" );
226 ASSERT( ! g.isZero(), "math error: division by zero" );
228 // swap variables such that x's level is larger or equal
229 // than both f's and g's levels.
230 Variable X = tmax( tmax( f.mvar(), g.mvar() ), x );
231 CanonicalForm F = swapvar( f, x, X );
232 CanonicalForm G = swapvar( g, x, X );
234 // now, we have to calculate the pseudo remainder of F and G
235 // w.r.t. X
236 int fDegree = degree( F, X );
237 int gDegree = degree( G, X );
238 if ( fDegree < 0 || fDegree < gDegree ) {
239 q = 0; r = f;
240 } else {
241 divrem( power( LC( G, X ), fDegree-gDegree+1 ) * F, G, q, r );
242 q = swapvar( q, x, X );
243 r = swapvar( r, x, X );
244 }
void divrem(const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g, CanonicalForm &q, CanonicalForm &r)

◆ psr()

CanonicalForm psr ( const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & g, const Variable & x )

psr() - return pseudo remainder of ‘f’ and ‘g’ with respect to ‘x’.

‘g’ must not equal zero.

For f and g in R[x], R an arbitrary ring, g != 0, there is a representation

LC(g)^s*f = g*q + r

with r = 0 or deg(r) < deg(g) and s = 0 if f = 0 or s = max( 0, deg(f)-deg(g)+1 ) otherwise. r = psr(f, g) and q = psq(f, g) are called "pseudo remainder" and "pseudo quotient", resp. They are uniquely determined if LC(g) is not a zero divisor in R.

See H.-J. Reiffen/G. Scheja/U. Vetter - "Algebra", 2nd ed., par. 15, for a reference.

Type info:

f, g: Current x: Polynomial

Polynomials over prime power domains are admissible if lc(LC(‘g’,‘x’)) is not a zero divisor. This is a slightly stronger precondition than mathematically necessary since pseudo remainder and quotient are well-defined if LC(‘g’,‘x’) is not a zero divisor.

For example, psr(y^2, (13*x+1)*y) is well-defined in (Z/13^2[x])[y] since (13*x+1) is not a zero divisor. But calculating it with Factory would fail since 13 is a zero divisor in Z/13^2.

Due to this inconsistency with mathematical notion, we decided not to declare type ‘CurrentPP’ for ‘f’ and ‘g’.

Developers note:

This is not an optimal implementation. Better would have been an implementation in ‘InternalPoly’ avoiding the exponentiation of the leading coefficient of ‘g’. In contrast to ‘psq()’ and ‘psqr()’ it definitely seems worth to implement the pseudo remainder on the internal level.

See also
psq(), psqr()

Definition at line 117 of file

119 CanonicalForm r=rr, v=vv, l, test, lu, lv, t, retvalue;
120 int dr, dv, d,n=0;
123 dr = degree( r, x );
124 if (dr>0)
125 {
126 dv = degree( v, x );
127 if (dv <= dr) {l=LC(v,x); v = v -l*power(x,dv);}
128 else { l = 1; }
129 d= dr-dv+1;
130 //out_cf("psr(",rr," ");
131 //out_cf("",vv," ");
132 //printf(" var=%d\n",x.level());
133 while ( ( dv <= dr ) && ( !r.isZero()) )
134 {
135 test = power(x,dr-dv)*v*LC(r,x);
136 if ( dr == 0 ) { r= CanonicalForm(0); }
137 else { r= r - LC(r,x)*power(x,dr); }
138 r= l*r -test;
139 dr= degree(r,x);
140 n+=1;
141 }
142 r= power(l, d-n)*r;
143 }
144 return r;
CanonicalForm test
const Variable & v
< [in] a sqrfree bivariate poly
Definition: facBivar.h:39

◆ tryFdivides()

bool tryFdivides ( const CanonicalForm f,
const CanonicalForm g,
const CanonicalForm M,
bool &  fail 

same as fdivides but handles zero divisors in Z_p[t]/(f)[x1,...,xn] for reducible f

Definition at line 456 of file

458 fail= false;
459 // trivial cases
460 if ( g.isZero() )
461 return true;
462 else if ( f.isZero() )
463 return false;
465 if (f.inCoeffDomain() || g.inCoeffDomain())
466 {
467 // if we are in a field all elements not equal to zero are units
468 if ( f.inCoeffDomain() )
469 {
470 CanonicalForm inv;
471 tryInvert (f, M, inv, fail);
472 return !fail;
473 }
474 else
475 {
476 return false;
477 }
478 }
480 // we may assume now that both levels either equal LEVELBASE
481 // or are greater zero
482 int fLevel = f.level();
483 int gLevel = g.level();
484 if ( (gLevel > 0) && (fLevel == gLevel) )
485 {
486 if (degree( f ) > degree( g ))
487 return false;
488 bool dividestail= tryFdivides (f.tailcoeff(), g.tailcoeff(), M, fail);
490 if (fail || !dividestail)
491 return false;
492 bool dividesLC= tryFdivides (f.LC(),g.LC(), M, fail);
493 if (fail || !dividesLC)
494 return false;
495 CanonicalForm q,r;
496 bool divides= tryDivremt (g, f, q, r, M, fail);
497 if (fail || !divides)
498 return false;
499 return r.isZero();
500 }
501 else if ( gLevel < fLevel )
502 {
503 // g is a coefficient w.r.t. f
504 return false;
505 }
506 else
507 {
508 // either f is a coefficient w.r.t. polynomial g or both
509 // f and g are from a base domain (should be Z or Z/p^n,
510 // then)
511 CanonicalForm q, r;
512 bool divides= tryDivremt (g, f, q, r, M, fail);
513 if (fail || !divides)
514 return false;
515 return r.isZero();
516 }
bool tryDivremt(const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g, CanonicalForm &q, CanonicalForm &r, const CanonicalForm &M, bool &fail)
same as divremt but handles zero divisors in case we are in Z_p[x]/(f) where f is not irreducible
void tryInvert(const CanonicalForm &F, const CanonicalForm &M, CanonicalForm &inv, bool &fail)
bool tryFdivides(const CanonicalForm &f, const CanonicalForm &g, const CanonicalForm &M, bool &fail)
same as fdivides but handles zero divisors in Z_p[t]/(f)[x1,...,xn] for reducible f
#define M
Definition: sirandom.c:25