My Project
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factory Directory Reference

Multivariate polynomial factorization (factory)


+ Directory dependency graph for factory:


directory  include
directory  templates


file [code]
file  canonicalform.h [code]
 Header for factory's main class CanonicalForm.
file [code]
file  cf_algorithm.h [code]
 declarations of higher level algorithms.
file  cf_assert.h [code]
 assertions for Factory
file [code]
file  cf_binom.h [code]
file [code]
 getting and setting the characteristic of a finite field
file [code]
 algorithms for chinese remaindering and rational reconstruction
file [code]
 Compute cyclotomic polynomials and factorize integers by brute force.
file  cf_cyclo.h [code]
 Compute cyclotomic polynomials and factorize integers by brute force.
file  cf_defs.h [code]
 factory switches.
file [code]
file  cf_eval.h [code]
 evaluate polynomials at points
file [code]
 Interface to factorization and square free factorization algorithms.
file [code]
file  cf_factory.h [code]
 Interface to generate InternalCF's over various domains from intrinsic types or mpz_t's.
file [code]
 gcd/content/lcm of polynomials
file [code]
file  cf_generator.h [code]
 generate integers, elements of finite fields
file [code]
 definitions of global variables.
file  cf_globals.h [code]
file [code]
file  cf_hnf.h [code]
file [code]
 definition of configurable inline ‘CanonicalForm’ methods.
file [code]
file  cf_irred.h [code]
 generate random irreducible univariate polynomials
file [code]
file  cf_iter.h [code]
 Iterators for CanonicalForm's.
file [code]
 definition of configurable inline ‘CFIterator’ methods.
file [code]
 solve linear systems and compute determinants of matrices
file [code]
 definition of class CFMap.
file  cf_map.h [code]
 map polynomials
file [code]
 This file implements functions to map between extensions of finite fields.
file  cf_map_ext.h [code]
 This file implements functions to map between extensions of finite fields.
file [code]
 simple structural algorithms.
file [code]
file  cf_primes.h [code]
 access to prime tables
file  cf_primetab.h [code]
file [code]
file  cf_random.h [code]
 generate random integers, random elements of finite fields
file [code]
 algorithms for calculating resultants.
file [code]
file  cf_reval.h [code]
 generate random evaluation points
file [code]
file  cf_roots.h [code]
file [code]
 definition of class CFSwitches.
file  cf_switches.h [code]
 header to
file [code]
 miscellaneous functions, not necessarily related to canonical forms.
file  cf_util.h [code]
file [code]
 This file provides functions to compute characteristic sets.
file  cfCharSets.h [code]
 This file provides functions to compute characteristic sets.
file [code]
 This file provides utility functions to compute characteristic sets.
file  cfCharSetsUtil.h [code]
 This file provides utility functions to compute characteristic sets.
file [code]
 This file implements the GCD of two multivariate polynomials over Q or F_q using EZ-GCD as described in "Algorithms for Computer Algebra" by Geddes, Czapor, Labahnn.
file  cfEzgcd.h [code]
 Extended Zassenhaus GCD over finite fields and Z.
file [code]
file  cfGcdAlgExt.h [code]
 GCD over Q(a)
file [code]
file  cfGcdUtil.h [code]
 coprimality check and change of representation mod n
file [code]
 This file implements the GCD of two polynomials over $ F_{p} $ , $ F_{p}(\alpha ) $, GF or Z based on Alg.
file  cfModGcd.h [code]
 modular and sparse modular GCD algorithms over finite fields and Z.
file [code]
 modular resultant algorithm
file  cfModResultant.h [code]
 modular resultant algorithm as described by G.
file [code]
 This file provides functions to compute the Newton polygon of a bivariate polynomial.
file  cfNewtonPolygon.h [code]
 This file provides functions to compute the Newton polygon of a bivariate polynomial.
file [code]
file  cfNTLzzpEXGCD.h [code]
 This file defines functions for univariate GCD and extended GCD over Z/p[t]/(f)[x] for reducible f.
file [code]
file  cfSubResGcd.h [code]
 subresultant pseudo remainder sequence GCD over finite fields and Z
file [code]
file  cfUnivarGcd.h [code]
 univariate Gcd over finite fields and Z, extended GCD over finite fields and Q
file [code]
file  debug.h [code]
 functions to print debug output
file [code]
 This file provides functions for manipulating DegreePatterns.
file  DegreePattern.h [code]
 This file provides a class to handle degree patterns.
file [code]
 This file provides member functions for ExtensionInfo.
file  ExtensionInfo.h [code]
 This file provides a class to store information about finite fields and extensions thereof.
file [code]
file  fac_berlekamp.h [code]
file [code]
file  fac_cantzass.h [code]
file [code]
file  fac_distrib.h [code]
file [code]
file  fac_iterfor.h [code]
file [code]
file  fac_multihensel.h [code]
file [code]
file  fac_multivar.h [code]
file [code]
file  fac_sqrfree.h [code]
 squarefree part and factorization over Q, Q(a)
file [code]
file  fac_univar.h [code]
file [code]
file  fac_util.h [code]
 operations mod p^k and some other useful functions for factorization
file [code]
file  facAbsBiFact.h [code]
 bivariate absolute factorization over Q described in "Modular Las Vegas Algorithms for Polynomial Absolute Factorization" by Bertone, Chèze, Galligo
file [code]
file  facAbsFact.h [code]
 absolute multivariate factorization over Q
file [code]
 Univariate factorization over algebraic extension of Q using Trager's algorithm.
file  facAlgExt.h [code]
 Univariate factorization over algebraic extension of Q using Trager's algorithm.
file [code]
 This file provides functions to factorize polynomials over alg.
file  facAlgFunc.h [code]
 Factorization over algebraic function fields.
file [code]
 This file provides utility functions to factorize polynomials over alg.
file  facAlgFuncUtil.h [code]
 Utility functions for factorization over algebraic function fields.
file [code]
 bivariate factorization over Q(a)
file  facBivar.h [code]
 bivariate factorization over Q(a)
file [code]
 multivariate factorization over Q(a)
file  facFactorize.h [code]
 multivariate factorization over Q(a)
file [code]
 This file provides functions for factorizing a bivariate polynomial over $ F_{p} $ , $ F_{p}(\alpha ) $ or GF, based on "Modern Computer Algebra, Chapter 15" by J. von zur Gathen & J. Gerhard and "Factoring multivariate polynomials over a finite field" by L.
file  facFqBivar.h [code]
 This file provides functions for factorizing a bivariate polynomial over $ F_{p} $ , $ F_{p}(\alpha ) $ or GF.
file [code]
 This file provides utility functions for bivariate factorization.
file  facFqBivarUtil.h [code]
 This file provides utility functions for bivariate factorization.
file [code]
 This file implements functions for factoring a multivariate polynomial over a finite field.
file  facFqFactorize.h [code]
 This file provides functions for factorizing a multivariate polynomial over $ F_{p} $ , $ F_{p}(\alpha ) $ or GF.
file [code]
 This file provides utility functions for multivariate factorization.
file  facFqFactorizeUtil.h [code]
 This file provides utility functions for multivariate factorization.
file [code]
 This file provides functions for squarefrees factorizing over $ F_{p} $ , $ F_{p}(\alpha ) $ or GF, as decribed in "Factoring multivariate polynomials over a finite field" by L.
file  facFqSquarefree.h [code]
 This file provides functions for squarefrees factorizing over $ F_{p} $ , $ F_{p}(\alpha ) $ or GF.
file [code]
 This file implements functions to lift factors via Hensel lifting.
file  facHensel.h [code]
 This file defines functions for Hensel lifting.
file [code]
 This file implements a probabilistic irreducibility test for polynomials over Z/p.
file  facIrredTest.h [code]
 This file provides a probabilistic irreducibility test for polynomials over Z/p.
file [code]
 This file implements functions for fast multiplication and division with remainder.
file  facMul.h [code]
 This file defines functions for fast multiplication and division with remainder.
file [code]
 This file implements functions for sparse heuristic Hensel lifting.
file  facSparseHensel.h [code]
 This file provides functions for sparse heuristic Hensel lifting.
file [code]
file  ffops.h [code]
 operations in a finite prime field F_p.
file [code]
 This file implements functions for conversion to FLINT ( and back.
file  FLINTconvert.h [code]
 This file defines functions for conversion to FLINT ( and back.
file [code]
 Factory's template instantiations.
file [code]
 generate addition tables used by Factory to calculate in GF(q).
file [code]
file  gf_tabutil.h [code]
 utility functions to access GF Tables
file [code]
file  gfops.h [code]
 Operations in GF, where GF is a finite field of size less than 2^16 represented by a root of Conway polynomial.
file  globaldefs.h [code]
file  gmpext.h [code]
 utility functions for gmp
file [code]
file  imm.h [code]
 operations on immediates, that is elements of F_p, GF, Z, Q that fit into intrinsic int, long
file [code]
file  int_cf.h [code]
 Factory's internal CanonicalForm's.
file [code]
file  int_int.h [code]
 Factory's internal integers.
file [code]
 'InternalInteger' division algorithms.
file [code]
file  int_poly.h [code]
 Factory's internal polynomials.
file [code]
file  int_pp.h [code]
file [code]
file  int_rat.h [code]
 Factory's internal rationals.
file [code]
file  NTLconvert.h [code]
 Conversion to and from NTL.
file [code]
file  parseutil.h [code]
file  si_log2.h [code]
file [code]
file  singext.h [code]
 helper functions for conversion to and from Singular
file [code]
file [code]
file  timing.h [code]
file [code]
file  variable.h [code]
 operations on variables

Detailed Description

Multivariate polynomial factorization (factory)